
Package to manage the permissions in a laravel application

v3.0 2024-08-05 17:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-05 18:28:23 UTC


Build Status Scrutinizer Code Quality Software License

Laravel Authorization is a package that provides a simple administration interface for roles and permissions.

// create authorizations
$cashier = $this->roles->create('Cashier');
$create = $this->permissions->create('Create Documents');
$annul = $this->permissions->create('Annul Documents');

// grant authorizations
$cashier->grantMultiple([$create, $annul]);

// check
$user->isMemberOf('cashier'); // true
$user->can('create-documents'); // true
$user->can('annul-documents'); // true

// deny authorizations

// now
$user->can('annul-documents'); // false

Table of Contents


Laravel Authorization requires PHP 8.1. This version supports Laravel 10 only.

To get the latest version, simply require the project using Composer:

$ composer require enea/laravel-authorization

Once installed, if you are not using automatic package discovery, then you need to register the Enea\Authorization\AuthorizationServiceProvider service provider in your config/app.php.

and finally, it only remains to run in the console:

$ php artisan authorization:install

Quick Start

Starting with laravel-authorization is as simple as extending the User model that provides the package:

use Enea\Authorization\Models\User as Authorizable;

class User extends Authorizable {

Or in case you need to customize your user model, you must implement the Enea\Authorization\Contracts\Authorisable interface and use the Enea\Authorization\Traits\Authorisable trait:

use Enea\Authorization\Contracts\Authorizable as AuthorizableContract;
use Enea\Authorization\Traits\Authorizable;
use Illuminate\Auth\Authenticatable;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable as AuthenticatableContract;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class User extends Model implements AuthenticatableContract, AuthorizableContract
    use Authenticatable, Authorizable;


There are some methods available for checking roles and permissions:

Method Parameter Return
can permission-name boolean
cannot permission-name boolean
isMemberOf role-name boolean
isntMemberOf role-name boolean


// verify if a user has a permission
// verify if a user does not have a permission
// verify if a user is a member of a role
// verify if a user is not a member of a role

On the other hand, a role can only have permissions:

// verify if a role has a permission
// verify if a role does not have a permission


Simplify the way in which roles and permissions are granted, both can be granted through the grant method in your model, you can see an example here

// grant an authorization to user
// grant multiple authorizations to user
$user->grantMultiple([$permission, $role]);
// grant a permission to role
// grant multiple permissions to role
$user->grantMultiple([$firstPermission, $secondPermission]);


To revoke a permission or role of a model, you must use the revoke or revokeMultiple method:

// revoke an authorization to a user
// revoke multiple authorizations of a user
$user->revokeMultiple([$permission, $role]);
// revoke a permission to a role
// revoke multiple permissions of a role
$user->revokeMultiple([$firstPermission, $secondPermission]);


To prohibit certain accesses to a user can do it through the method deny and denyMultiple:

// deny a permission to a user
// deny multiple permissions to a user


The middleware are activated automatically from the beginning, to change this you can do it from the configuration file:

    // automatic middleware configuration.
    'middleware' => [
        'enabled' => true,

        'permissions' => [
            'alias' => 'authenticated.can',
            'class' => \Enea\Authorization\Middleware\PermissionAuthorizerMiddleware::class,
        'roles' => [
            'alias' => 'authenticated.is',
            'class' => \Enea\Authorization\Middleware\RoleAuthorizerMiddleware::class,

Or in case you want to do a manual configuration you can deactivate the automatic load and modify your kernel file:

protected $routeMiddleware = [
    // laravel-authorization
    'authenticated.can' => \Enea\Authorization\Middleware\PermissionAuthorizerMiddleware::class,
    'authenticated.is' => \Enea\Authorization\Middleware\RoleAuthorizerMiddleware::class,

Then you can use it in your routes like any other middleware:

$router->get('create', 'CreateController@create')->middleware('authenticated.can:create-articles');
$router->get('admin', 'DashboardController@index')->middleware('authenticated.is:admin');

In case any user tries to access a protected route without authorization, an exception of type UnauthorizedOwnerException will be throw.

Custom errors

To show a custom error, we can edit the Handler file:

public function render($request, Exception $exception)
    if ($exception instanceof UnauthorizedOwnerException) {
        return redirect()->route('custom-unauthorized-route');
    return parent::render($request, $exception);

Blade Directives

This package also adds Blade directives to verify if the currently connected user has a specific role or permission. Optionally you can pass in the guard that the check will be performed on as a second argument.

For Roles

    // is articles owner
    // it's not articles owner

and to deny

    // it's not articles owner
    // is articles owner

For Permissions

    // can edit articles
    // cannot edit articles

and to deny

    // cannot edit articles
    // can edit articles


Simple CRUD


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Laravel Authorization is licensed under The MIT License (MIT).