
1.0.0 2021-10-07 17:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-26 17:26:46 UTC


Html/Xml markup Tag Creator for Php.

It is an easy markup tag creation tool with PHP. You can use helper methods with the Tag object and build it whenever you want. If you wish, you can have your tag build instantly by using the TagBuild extended class.

For self closing elements in html tags, I defined self closing tags in an extended HtmlTag class and provided instant rendering with the use of TagBuilder.


Tag Object

  • Init
$tag = new Tag(string $name);
  • Fast Init
Tag::@tagname(array|string|Tag $element) : Tag
  • Element Methods
$tag->setElements(array<Tag|String> $elements);
$tag->appendElement(Tag|String $elements);
$tag->prependElement(Tag|String $elements);
  • Attribute Methods
$tag->setAttrs(array<[key,value]> $attrs);
$tag->addAttr(string $attr, string $value);
$tag->removeAttr(string $attr);
  • Build methods
$tag->setSelfClosing(bool $isPaired = TRUE);
$tag->build(): string
$tag->render(): void

Fast Tag Builder

TagBuild::@tagname(array|string|Tag $element) : string

Html Tag Builder

HtmlTag::@tagname(array|string|Tag $element) : string

or with attributes

HtmlTag::@tagname(array $attrs, array|string|Tag $element) : string


  • All methods can be chained.
  • Tag Object have static method for fast tag init. Just call static method with your tag name. return type Tag
  • HtmlTag and TagBuild are abstract class and just call static method with your tag name. Elements builds at runtime and only string returns.
  • Tag Object and TagBuild fast init feature can take array ,string and tag objects. If you don't like using arrays, you can add infinite parameters of tag or string type and the class defines these parameters as elements.
  • When using Tag Object fast init or using TagBuild, if the first parameter is array[key=> value] the class will automatically define attributes.
  • In version 1.0.0, all outputs go through the beautify process. This feature currently does not have any settings.


Object Example

$data = [
		'price' => '15.95',
		'name' => 'Cap',
		'code' => 'C1234'
		'price' => '23.95',
		'name' => 'Tshirt',
		'code' => 'T1534',

$products = new Tag('products');

foreach ($data as $product_detail){
	$product = new Tag('product');

	foreach ($product_detail as $key => $value){
		$product->appendElement((new Tag($key))->appendElement($value));


  • Output
<products last-date="17.08.2021">

Fast Render Example

echo TagBuild::config(

Easy Html for self closing tags

echo HtmlTag::html(
		HtmlTag::title('Html Example'),
		HtmlTag::meta(['author' => 'emreuyguc']),
		HtmlTag::link(['rel' => 'stylesheet','href' => 'your.css']),
		HtmlTag::div(['class' => 'content'],'hello',' world'),
		HtmlTag::script(['src' => 'your.js'])
		<title>Html Example</title>
		<meta author="emreuyguc" />
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="your.css" />
		<div class="content">hello world</div>
		<script src="your.js"></script>