
dev-master 2013-06-07 08:56 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-11 10:32:29 UTC


This is a small helper to ease querying Apache Solr using the solr-php-client library.

Example 1:

Searches the solr for records matching the two fields make and model.

$solrHelper = new \Emran\SolrHelper(new \Apache_Solr_Service('localhost', 8080, '/solr/'));
$result = $solrHelper->addSingleValueCriteria('make', 'BMW')
                     ->addSingleValueCriteria('model', 'X5')

Example 2:

Searches the solr for records matching the two fields make, model and a price range between 10000 and 20000. Also limits the fields to be returned to acode and price.

$solrHelper = new \Emran\SolrHelper(new \Apache_Solr_Service('localhost', 8080, '/solr/'));
$result = $solrHelper->addSingleValueCriteria('make', 'BMW')
                     ->addMultiValueCriteria('model', array('X5', 'X3'))
                     ->addRangeCriteria('price', array(20000, 50000))
                     ->order('price desc')