
Paquete de facturaciĆ³n FEL


Library manage electronic invoices from a POS


  • Only if not installed

    composer require emizoripx/pos-invoicing-fel


  • php artisan migrate for creating new tables of package

Instructions for development

for development in a local environment

  • create a folder named package in the project directory
  • Enter the directory created and clone the repository https://github.com/emizoripx/pos-invoicing-fel.git
  • Add the following line to the composer.json file of the project
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "EmizorIpx\\PosInvoicingFel\\" : "package/pos-invoicing-fel/src/"
  • Then in the terminal run the command
    docker-compose exec app composer dumpautoload
    docker-compose exec app php artisan optimize
    docker-compose exec app php artisan vendor:publish --tag=public --force

Settings Restorants

In the configurations column of the fel_restorants table we can aggregate the following configurations as a key value

  • Font size of the invoice print
        "font_size": "10"
  • Enable the option of invoices for the staff
        "enable_invoices_staff": 1
  • Remove black stripe from total
        "without_background_total": 1
  • Added product code for delivery
        "product_delivery_code": "DEL-2122331"