
Persistence interfaces

dev-master 2016-01-08 23:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2019-03-09 20:21:43 UTC


Persistence is the continuance of an effect after its cause is removed.

A Persistence Layer is a layer of system architecture that handles Persistence for an Application.

There are different types of Persistence that can be available to an Application.

Permanent Persistence

Permanent Persistence is for data intended to exist for an indefinite period.

An implementation must store a provided data-payload indefinitely, or until a direct action is performed to remove the data.

Uses include databases of varying types.

Temporary Persistence

Temporary Persistence is for data intended to exist for a short time only.

An implementation must store provided data until a specified time period has elapsed, and then remove the data.

Uses include sessions and cookies.

Transient Persistence

Transient Persistence is for data intended to exist for a single application cycle.

An implementation must store provided data only until a second application cycle completes, and then remove the data.

Uses include flash messaging, utilising sessions and cookies.

Unifying an API

To make a single implementation able to provide all aspects of Persistence to an Application, a unified interface and schema are required for performing operations.

This package is an attempt to deal with this.


composer require embarknow/persistence