emapper / emapper
The Extensible Data Mapper library for PHP
- emacros/emacros: 1.1.*
- emaphp/fluent-configuration: 1.1.*
- emaphp/simplecache: 1.0.*
- omocha/omocha: 1.1.*
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-01-18 17:22:49 UTC
The Extensible Data Mapper library for PHP
**Author**: Emmanuel Antico
**Version**: 4.0
Changelog ------------------
2015-01-13 - Version 4.0.1
- Deprecated: Method throwException in Driver class.
- Fix: Cache option not being used in AssociationManager.
- Fix: Generating dynamic statements for Matches, StartsWith, GreaterThan.
- Fix: Getting index type only when receivin a Field instance in Manager class.
- Extended documentation.
Dependencies --------------
- PHP >= 5.4 - [Omocha](https://github.com/emaphp/omocha "") package - [eMacros](https://github.com/emaphp/eMacros "") package - [SimpleCache](https://github.com/emaphp/simplecache "") package
Installation --------------
**Installation through Composer**
```javascript { "require": { "emapper/emapper" : "4.0.*" } } ```
About ------------
*eMapper* is a PHP library aimed to provide a simple, powerful and highly customizable data mapping tool. It comes with some interesting features like:
- Customized mapping: Results can be mapped to a desired type through mapping expressions.
- Indexation and Grouping: Lists can be indexed or grouped together by a column/attribute name.
- Custom types: Developers can design their own types and custom type handlers.
- Cache providers: Obtained data can be stored in cache using APC or Memcache.
- Dynamic SQL: Queries can contain Dynamic SQL clauses.
- Entity Managers: Managers provide a set of ORM features which are common in similar frameworks.
- Fluent queries: Fluent queries can generate SQL programatically using a fluent interface.
Introduction -----------
>Step 1: Pick an engine
eMapper supports SQLite, PostgreSQL and MySQL (or MariaDB if you prefer). Creating a connection requires creating an instance of the corresponding driver.
//MYSQL use eMapper\Engine\MySQL\MySQLDriver; $driver = new MySQLDriver('database', 'localhost', 'user', 'passw'); //... //SQLite use eMapper\Engine\SQLite\SQLiteDriver; $driver = new SQLiteDriver('database.sqlite'); //... //PostgreSQL use eMapper\Engine\PostgreSQL\PostgreSQLDriver; $driver = new PostgreSQLDriver('host=localhost port=5432 dbname=database user=postgres password=123456');
>Step 2: Initialize mapper instance
Now that the connection driver is ready we create an instance of the Mapper class.
use eMapper\Mapper; $mapper = new Mapper($driver);
>Step 3: Fetching data
eMapper is a type-oriented framework. Everything revolves around queries and mapping expressions. The following examples try to give you an idea of how the data mapping engine works.
//by default, results are mapped to an array of arrays $users = $mapper->query("SELECT * FROM users"); foreach ($users as $user) { echo $user['name']; //... } //to indicate the desired type we overload the mapper instance by calling the type method $username = $mapper->type('string')->query("SELECT name FROM users WHERE id = 100"); //queries can receive a variable number of arguments $users = $mapper->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE surname = %{s} AND id > %{i}", "Doe", 1000); //'arr' (or 'array') returns a row as an associative array $user = $mapper->type('arr')->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = %{s}", 'emaphp'); //using 'obj' as mapping expression will convert a row to an instance of stdClass $user = $mapper->type('obj')->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = %{i}", 42); //adding '[]' at the end converts a result to a list of the desired type $users = $mapper->type('obj[]')->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE department = %{s}", 'Sales'); //close connection $mapper->close();
Mapping 101 -----------
#####Simple types
//mapping to an integer ('i', 'int', 'integer') $total = $mapper->type('i')->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE gender = %{s}", 'F'); //mapping to a boolean ('b', 'bool', 'boolean') $subscribed = $mapper->type('b')->query("SELECT is_subscribed FROM users WHERE id = %{i}", 99); //mapping to a float ('f', 'float', 'real', 'double') $price = $mapper->type('f')->query("SELECT MAX(price) FROM products WHERE refurbished = %{b}", false); //mapping to a string ('s', 'str', 'string') $body = $mapper->type('s')->query("SELECT message FROM posts WHERE slug = %{s}", 'sports'); //dates ('DateTime', 'dt', 'timestamp', 'datetime') $lastLogin = $mapper->type('dt')->query("SELECT last_login FROM users WHERE id = %{i}", 1984); //finally, you can tell the exact column to fetch by providing a second argument $code = $mapper->type('s', 'product_code')->query("SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = %{i}", 101);
//by default, an array contains both numeric and associative indexes $movie = $mapper->type('array')->query("SELECT * FROM movies WHERE id = %{i}", 55); //but you can change this by adding a second argument use eMapper\Result\ArrayType; //numeric only $movie = $mapper->type('array', ArrayType::NUM)->query("SELECT * FROM movies WHERE id = %{i}", 56); //associative only $movie = $mapper->type('array', ArrayType::ASSOC)->query("SELECT * FROM movies WHERE id = %{i}", 57);
//mapping to a stdClass instance ('obj', 'object') $book = $mapper ->type('obj') ->query("SELECT * FROM books WHERE isbn = %{s}", "9789507315428"); //using a custom class namespace Acme\Library; class Book { public $id; public $title; public $author; public $ISBN; public $genre; } //... $book = $mapper ->type('obj:Acme\Library\Book') ->query("SELECT * FROM books WHERE isbn = %{s}", "978-987-566-647-4");
Note: One important thing to remember when mapping to a structure is that values contained in columns declared using the DATE or DATETIME types are converted to instances of DateTime.
Lists -----------
#####Simple types
//we obtain lists by adding brackets at the end of the expression $id_list = $mapper->type('int[]')->query("SELECT id FROM users"); $prices = $mapper->type('float[]')->query("SELECT price FROM products"); $isbn_list = $mapper->type('string[]')->query("SELECT isbn FROM books"); $dates = $mapper->type('dt[]')->query("SELECT created_at FROM posts"); //again, a second argument could be provided to define which column to fetch $refurbished = $mapper->type('bool[]', 'refurbished')->query("SELECT * FROM products");
#####Arrays and Objects
//same rule applies to arrays and objects $users = $mapper->type('obj[]')->query("SELECT * FROM users"); //an array type could also be provided when mapping to lists use eMapper\Result\ArrayType; $users = $mapper->type('arr[]', ArrayType::ASSOC)->query("SELECT * FROM users");
Indexes and Groups -----------------------
#####Indexes ```php //the index column goes between brackets $books = $mapper->type('array[id]')->query("SELECT * FROM books");
//a default type could be added right next to it $products = $mapper->type('arr[id:string]')->query("SELECT * FROM products");
//make sure the column is present in the result (this won't work) $books = $mapper->type('obj[isbn]')->query("SELECT id, name, price FROM books");
//when mapping to arrays, the index should be represented appropriately use eMapper\Result\ArrayType;
//use first column as index $products = $mapper->type('arr[0]', ArrayType::NUM)->query("SELECT * FROM products");
//group by a known column
$products = $mapper->type('arr<category>')->query("SELECT * FROM products");
//a type could also be specified
$books = $mapper->type('obj<publisher:string>')->query("SELECT * FROM books");
//both expressions can be mixed to obtain interesting results
$products = $mapper->type('obj<category>[id:int]')->query("SELECT * FROM products");
#####Callbacks ```php //lists could also be indexed using a closure $products = $mapper->type('array[]') ->indexCallback(function ($product) { //return a custom made index return $product['code'] . '_' . $product['id']; }) ->query("SELECT * FROM products");
//a group callback does what you expect //it can also be combined with indexes if needed $products = $mapper->type('obj[id]') ->groupCallback(function ($product) { return substr($product->category, 0, 3); }) ->query("SELECT * FROM products");
#####Query arguments
//arguments the easy way (type identifier between braces)
$products = $mapper
->query("SELECT * FROM products WHERE price < %{f} AND category = %{s}", 699.99, 'Laptops');
//argument by position (and optional type)
$products = $mapper
->query("SELECT * FROM products WHERE category = %{1} AND price < %{0:f}", 699.99, 'Laptops');
#####Arrays/Objects as argument
//array as parameter $parameter = [ 'password' => sha1('qwerty'), 'modified_at' => new \DateTime ]; $mapper->query( "UPDATE users SET password = #{password}, modified_at = #{modified_at:dt} WHERE name = %{1:string}", $parameter, 'emaphp' ); //syntax works with objects as well use Acme\CMS\Comment; $comment = new Comment(); $comment->userId = 100; $comment->body = "Hello World"; $mapper->query("INSERT INTO comments (user_id, body) VALUES (#{userId}, #{body})", $comment);
Note: The syntax for array/object attributes work as long as you provide the array/object as the first argument.
Fluent Queries -------------
Fluent queries provide a fluent interface for generating SQL programatically. We obtain a new FluentQuery instance by calling the *newQuery* method in the *Mapper* class.
/** * BASIC USAGE */ $query = $mapper->newQuery(); //SELECT * FROM users $users = $query->from('users')->fetch(); //fetch accepts a mapping expression as an optional argument $user = $query->from('users')->where('id = 1')->fetch('array'); //type method could be used instead $user = $query->from('users')->where('id = 1')->type('array')->fetch(); //condition could be expressed using the Column class use eMapper\Query\Column; $user = $query->from('users')->where(Column::id()->eq(1))->fetch('obj'); //using arguments $user = $query->from('users')->where('id = %{i}', 1)->fetch('obj'); /** * COLUMNS */ $query = $mapper->newQuery(); //define columns to fetch $users = $query->from('users')->select('id', 'name', 'email')->fetch('obj[]'); //using Column class $users = $query->from('users') ->select(Column::id(), Column::name(), Column::email()) ->fetch('obj[]'); /** * LIMIT + OFFSET */ $query = $mapper->newQuery(); $users = $query->from('users')->limit(10)->offset(5)->fetch(); /** * ORDER BY */ $query = $mapper->newQuery(); $users = $query->from('users')->orderBy('name', 'id ASC')->fetch(); //same but with Column class $users = $mapper->from('users') ->orderBy(Column::name(), Column::id()->type('ASC')) ->fetch(); /** * JOINS */ $query = $mapper->newQuery(); $users = $query->from('users', 'u') ->innerJoin('profiles', 'p', 'u.id = p.user_id') ->select('u.id', 'u.name AS username', 'p.name') ->fetch(); //using the Column class along with the double dash syntax $users = $query->from('users', 'u') ->innerJoin('profiles', 'p', Column::u__id()->eq(Column::p__user_id())) ->select(Column::u__id(), Column::u__name()->alias('username'), Column::p__name()) ->fetch(); /** * GROUP BY + HAVING */ $query = $mapper->newQuery(); $employees = $query->from('Employees', 'emp') ->innerJoin('Orders', 'ord', 'ord.employee_id = emp.id') ->select('emp.lastname', 'COUNT(ord.id)') ->groupBy('emp.lastname') ->having('COUNT(ord.id) > %{i}', 10) ->fetch(); use eMapper\Query\Func as F; $employees = $query->from('Employees', 'emp') ->innerJoin('Orders', 'ord', Column::ord__employee_id()->eq(Column::emp__id())) ->select(Column::emp__lastname(), F::COUNT(Column::ord__id())) ->groupBy(Column::emp__lastname()) ->having(F::COUNT(Column::ord__id())->gt(10)) ->fetch(); /** * FUNCTIONS */ $query = $this->mapper->newQuery(); //SELECT COUNT('*') FROM Products $total = $query->from('Products') ->select(F::COUNT('*')) ->fetch('i'); //SELECT UCASE(CustomerName) AS Customer,City FROM Customers $customers = $query->from('Customers') ->select(F::UCASE(Column::CustomerName())->alias('Customer'), Column::City()) ->fetch('obj[]'); //SELECT MID(City,1,4) AS ShortCity FROM Customers $cities = $query->from('Customers') ->select(F::MID(Column::City(), 1, 4)->alias('ShortCity')) ->fetch('str[]'); //SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE LEN(FirstName) < 10 $customers = $query->from('Customers') ->where(F::LEN(Column::FirstName())->lt(10)) ->fetch('obj[]'); //SELECT ProductName,ROUND(Price,2) AS RoundedPrice FROM Products $products = $query->from('Products') ->select(Column::ProductName(), F::ROUND(Column::Price(), 2)->alias('RoundedPrice')) ->fetch('obj[]'); //SELECT ProductName,Price,NOW() AS PerDate FROM Products $products = $query->from('Products') ->select(Column::ProductName(), Column::Price(), F::NOW()->alias('PerDate')) ->fetch('obj[]'); //SELECT ProductName,Price,FORMAT(NOW(),"YYYY-MM-DD") AS PerDate FROM Products $products = $query->from('Products') ->select(Column::ProductName(), Column::Price(), F::FORMAT(F::NOW(), '"YYYY-MM-DD"')->alias('PerDate')) ->fetch('obj[]');
$query = $mapper->newQuery(); //INSERT INTO users VALUES ('emaphp', 'M', '1984-07-05') $id = $query->insertInto('users')->values('emaphp', 'M', '1984-07-05')->exec(); //values as array $values = ['emaphp', 'M', '1984-07-05']; $id = $query->insertInto('users')->valuesArray($values)->exec(); //INSERT INTO users (name, birth_date, sex) VALUES ('emaphp', '1984-07-05', 'M') $id = $query->insertInto('users') ->columns('name', 'birth_date', 'sex') ->values('emaphp', '1984-07-05', 'M') ->exec(); //using valuesExpr $id = $query->insertInto('users') ->columns('name', 'birth_date', 'sex') ->valuesExpr('%{s}, %{dt}, %{s}', 'emaphp', '1984-07-05', 'M') ->exec();
use emapper\Query\Column; $query = $mapper->newQuery(); //UPDATE users SET language = 'sp', last_login = 2015-01-01 00:00:00 //WHERE name = 'emaphp' $query->update('users') ->set('language', 'sp') ->set('last_login', new \Datetime()) ->where(Column::name()->eq('emaphp')) ->exec(); //using setExpr $query->update('users') ->setExpr('language = %{s}, last_login = %{dt}', 'sp', new \Datetime()) ->where('name = %{s}', 'emaphp') ->exec(); //using setValue $value = [ 'language' => 'sp', 'last_login' => new \Datetime() ]; $query->update('users') ->setValue($value) ->where('name = %{s}', 'emaphp') ->exec();
use emapper\Query\Column; $query = $mapper->newQuery(); //DELETE FROM staff WHERE role <> 'developer' $query->deleteFrom('staff') ->where(Column::role()->eq('developer', false)) ->exec(); //alternative syntax $query->deleteFrom('staff') ->where('role <> %{s}', 'developer') ->exec();
#####Filter methods
Use these methods along with the Column class to build conditional expressions. Adding false as a last argument produces a negated condition.
Stored procedures -----------------
In order to call a stored procedure we create a *StoredProcedure* instance by calling the *newProcedure* method in the *Mapper* class. The procedure is then invoked using the *call* method.
```php //CALL Users_Clean $proc = $mapper->newProcedure('Users_Clean'); $proc->call();
//using the database prefix $mapper->setPrefix('ACME_');
//CALL ACME_Backup_Orders(100) $proc = $mapper->newProcedure('Backup_Orders'); $proc->call(100);
//don't append prefix $proc = $mapper->newProcedure('Get_Order'); $proc->usePrefix(false)->call(1);
//if a procedure returns a value it can also be mapped $proc = $mapper->newProcedure('Users_Create'); $id = $proc->type('i')->call('emaphp', '1984-07-05', 'M');
//specifyng argument types $proc = $mapper->newProcedure('Product_Save'); $proc->argTypes('s', 'i', 's')->call('XY789', 150, 'Laptops');
//wrap procedure name (PostgreSQL)
$proc = $mapper->newProcedure('User_Find');
//CALL ACME_User_Find
$user = $proc->call(199);
//return set (PostgreSQL) $proc = $mapper->newProcedure('Profile_GetByEmail'); //SELECT * FROM Profile_GetByEmail $profile = $proc->returnSet(true)->call('emaphp@github.com')
Entity Managers
#####Entities and Annotations
Entity managers are objects that behave like DAOs ([Data Access Object](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_access_object "")) for a specified class. The first step to create an entity manager is designing an entity class. The following example shows an entity class named *Product*. The *Product* class obtains its values from the *pŕoducts* table, indicated by the *@Entity* annotation. This class defines 5 attributes, and each one defines its type through the *@Type* annotation. If the attribute name differs from the column name we can specify a *@Column* annotation indicating the correct one. As a general rule, all entities must define a primary key attribute. The *Product* class sets its **id** attribute as primary key using the *@Id* annotation.
namespace Acme\Factory;
* @Entity products
class Product {
* @Id
* @Type integer
public $id;
* @Type string
* @Column pcode
public $code;
* @Type string
public $description;
* @Type string
public $category;
* @Type float
public $price;
Managers are created through the newManager method in the Mapper class. This method expects the entity class full name. Managers are capable of getting results using filters without having to write SQL manually. Notice that conditional expressions are now created using the Attr class instead of Column.
//create a products manager $products = $mapper->newManager('Acme\Factory\Product'); //get by id $product = $products->findByPk(4); //obtain a product by code use eMapper\Query\Attr; $product = $products->get(Attr::code()->eq('XXX098')); //get a list of products by a given category $list = $products->find(Attr::category()->eq('Laptops')); //define a filter (category = 'E-Books' AND price < 799.99) $list = $products ->filter(Attr::category()->eq('E-Books'), Attr::price()->lt(799.99)) ->find(); //OR condition (category = 'E-Books' OR price < 799.99) $list = $products ->orfilter(Attr::category()->eq('E-Books'), Attr::price()->lt(799.99)) ->find(); //exclude (category <> 'Fitness') $list = $products ->exclude(Attr::category()->eq('Fitness')) ->find(); //reverse condition (description NOT LIKE '%Apple%') $list = $products ->filter(Attr::description()->contains('Apple', false)) ->find();
#####Manager utilities
use eMapper\Query\Attr; //getting all products indexed by id $list = $products->index(Attr::id())->find(); //or grouped by category $list = $products->group(Attr::category())->find(); //callbacks work as well $list = $products ->indexCallback(function ($product) { return $product->getId() . substr($product->getCode(), 0, 5); }) ->find(); //set the amount of objects to obtain $list = $products ->orderBy(Attr::id()) ->limit(15) ->find(); //setting the order type $list = $products ->orderBy(Attr::id(), Attr::category()->type('ASC')) ->limit(10, 20) ->find(); //count products of a given category $total = $products ->filter(Attr::category()->eq('Audio')) ->count(); //average price $avg = $products ->exclude(Attr::category()->eq('Laptops')) ->avg(Attr::price()); //max price (return as integer) $max = $products ->filter(Attr::code()->startswith('SONY')) ->type('int') ->max(Attr::price());
#####Storing objects
use Acme\Factory\Product; //create manager $products = $mapper->newManager('Acme\Factory\Product'); $product = new Product; $product->code = 'ACM001'; $product->description = 'Test product'; $product->category = 'Explosives'; $product->price = 149.90; //save object $products->save($product); //if the entity already has an id, 'save' produces an UPDATE query $product = $products->get(Attr::code()->eq('ACM001')); $product->price = 129.90; $products->save($product);
#####Deleting objects
//create manager $products = $mapper->newManager('Acme\Factory\Product'); //delete expects an entity as parameter $product = $products->findByPk(20); $products->delete($product); //reduced version $products->deleteWhere(Attr::id()->eq(20)); //for security reasions, truncating a table requires a special method $products->truncate();
Associations -----------
#####Introduction Associations provide an easy way to fetch data related to an entity. As expected, they also need to be declared using a special set of annotations. Their types include *one-to-one*, *one-to-many*, *many-to-one* and *many-to-many*.
The next example shows 2 entities (Profile and User) and how to declare a One-To-One association between them to obtain a User entity from a fetched profile.
namespace Acme; /** * @Entity profiles */ class Profile { /** * @Id * @Type integer */ public $id; /** * @Column user_id */ public $userId; /** * @Type string */ public $firstname; /** * @Type string */ public $surname; /* * ASSOCIATIONS */ /** * @OneToOne User * @Attr(userId) */ public $user; }
In this example, the Profile class declares a user property which defines a one-to-one association with the User class. The @Attr annotation specifies which property is used to perform the required join. When an attribute is declared on the current class then it must be expressed between parentheses right after the annotation.
namespace Acme; /** * @Entity users */ class User { /** * @Id * @Type integer */ public $id; /** * @Column username */ public $name; /** * @Type string */ public $email; /* * ASSOCIATIONS */ /** * @OneToOne Profile * @Attr userId * @Lazy */ public $profile; }
The User class defines the profile property as a one-to-one association with the Profile class. Notice that this time the @Attr annotation defines the property name without parentheses, meaning that the required attribute is not declared in the current class. Also, this association is declared as lazy, which means that is not evaluated right away. The following example shows how to obtain a Profile instance and its associated user.
//obtain the profile with ID = 100 $manager = $mapper->newManager('Acme\Profile'); $profile = $manager->findByPk(100); // returns a Profile instance $user = $profile->getUser(); // returns the associated User instance
Lazy associations returns an instance of eMapper\ORM\AssociationManager. This means that invoking the getProfile method will return a manager instance, not an entity. In order to get the referred value we append a call to the fetch method.
//obtain the user with ID = 100 $manager = $mapper->newManager('Acme\User'); $user = $manager->findByPk(100); $profile = $user->getProfile(); // returns an AssociationManager instance $profile = $user->getProfile()->fetch(); // fetch() returns the desired result
Associations also provide a mechanism for querying for related attributes. Suppose we want to obtain a profile by its user name. We can do this by using a special syntax that specifies the association property and the comparison attribute separated by a doble underscore.
use eMapper\Query\Attr; //build manager $manager = $mapper->newManager('Acme\Profile'); //users.name = 'jdoe' $profile = $manager->get(Attr::user__name()->eq('jdoe'));
#####One-To-Many and Many-To-One
Suppose we need to design a pet shop database to store data from a list of clients and their respective pets. The first step after creating the database will be implementing the Client and Pet entity classes. The Client class has a one-to-many association with the Pet class provided through the pets property. The required attribute (clientId) is specified as a value of the @Attr annotation. This annotation references the attribute in the Pet class that stores the client identifier.
namespace Acme; /** * @Entity clients */ class Client { /** * @Id */ public $id; /** * @Type string */ public $name; /** * @Type string */ public $surname; /* * ASSOCIATIONS */ /** * @OneToMany Pet * @Attr clientId */ public $pets; }
From the point of view of the Pet class this is a many-to-one association. The owner association is resolved through the clientId attribute , meaning that in this case it has to be specified between parentheses.
namespace Acme; /** * @Entity pets */ class Pet { /** * @Id */ public $id; /** * @Column client_id */ public $clientId; /** * @Type string */ public $name; /** * @Type string */ public $type; /** * @Column birth_date * @Type string */ public $birthDate; /* * ASSOCIATIONS */ /** * @ManyToOne Client * @Attr(clientId) */ public $owner; }
This small example obtains all clients that have dogs.
use emapper\Query\Attr; $manager = $mapper->newManager('Acme\Client'); //get all clients that have dogs $clients = $manager->find(Attr::pets__type()->eq('Dog'));
And this one obtains all pets for a given client.
use emapper\Query\Attr; $manager = $mapper->newManager('Acme\Pet'); //get all pets of Joe $pets = $manager->find(Attr::owner__name()->eq('Joe'));
Many-To-Many associations are kind of special as they need to provide the name of the join table that resolves the association. Suppose that we want to add a favorites association from the User class to the Product class.
namespace Acme; /** * @Entity users */ class User { /** * @Id */ public $id; /** * @Column username */ public $name; /** * @Type string */ public $email; /* * ASSOCIATIONS */ /** * @ManyToMany Product * @Join(user_id,prod_id) favorites * @Lazy */ public $favorites; }
The @Join annotation must indicate which columns are used to perform the join along with the table name. Columns must be specified in the right order; first being the one that references the current entity. The following code shows an example using this association.
use emapper\Query\Attr; $manager = $mapper->newManager('Acme\User'); //get all users that like Android $users = $manager->find(Attr::favorites__description()->contains('Android'));
#####Recursive associations
There are some scenarios in which an entity is associated to itself in more than one way. In this example we'll introduce the Category entity class to explore in detail these type of associations.
namespace Acme; /** * @Entity categories */ class Category { /** * @Id * @Type int */ public $id; /** * @Type string */ public $name; /** * @Column parent_id * @Type integer */ public $parentId; /* * ASSOCIATIONS */ /** * @ManyToOne Category * @Attr(parentId) */ public $parent; /** * @OneToMany Category * @Attr parentId */ public $subcategories; }
The Category class its related to itself through the parent and subcategories associations. Both of them need to specify the parentId attribute as the join attribute. Obtaining all subcategories of a given category can be resolved in the following way.
use emapper\Query\Attr; $manager = $mapper->newManager('Acme\Category'); //get all subcategories of 'Technology' $categories = $mapper->find(Attr::parent__name()->eq('Technology'));
Most RDBMS provide a way to keep reference integrity through some event/trigger facility. This is not the case for SQLite. In order to keep reference integrity 2 special annotations are provided: @Cascade and @Nullable. This example illustrates the relationship between the User and Profile class.
namespace Acme; /** * @Entity profiles */ class Profile { /** * @Id * @Type int * @Column profile_id */ public $id; /** * @Type int * @Column user_id */ public $userId; /** * @Type string */ public $firstname; /** * @Type string */ public $lastname; }
When defining the User entity we'll append a @Cascade annotation to its profile attribute.
namespace Acme; /** * @Entity users */ class User { /** * @Id * @Type int * @Column user_id */ public $id; /** * @Type string */ public $name; /* * @Type string * @Unique */ public $email; /** * @OneToOne Profile * @Attr userId * @Cascade */ public $profile; }
By using the @Cascade annotation we instruct the manager to delete the related profile once a user is removed from database.
use eMapper\Mapper; use eMapper\Engine\SQLite\SQLiteDriver; $mapper = new Mapper(new SQLiteDriver('data.db')); //delete user, profile is removed as well $manager = $mapper->newManager('Acme\User'); $user = $manager->findByPk(1); $manager->delete($user); $mapper->close();
But what if we don't want to remove a profile? In that case the userId attribute in the Profile class must include the @Nullable annotation. The manager checks if this annotation is present in the related entity in order to determine which action must be taken. When @Nullable is found then only an update query is executed.
namespace Acme; /** * @Entity profiles */ class Profile { //... /** * @Type int * @Column user_id * @Nullable */ public $userId; }
#####Addtional options
One-To-Many and Many-To-Many associations support two additional configuration annotations:
- @Index: Indicates the attribute used for indexation.
- @OrderBy: Used to obtain a list ordered by the specified attribute.
For example, the subcategories association in the Category class could be redefined to obtain a list of categories indexed by name and ordered by id. We can achieve this with the following declaration:
namespace Acme; /** * @Entity categories */ class Category { //... /** * @OneToMany Category * @Attr parentId * @Index name * @OrderBy id DESC */ public $subcategories: }
Storing entities ----------------
The *Manager* class provides a *save* method which its pretty self explanatory. ```php use Acme\Product;
//build entity manager $manager = $mapper->newManager('Acme\Product');
//create product instance $product = new Product(); $product->description = 'Android phone'; $product->code = 'PHN087'; $product->price = 178.99;
//store and obtain generated id $id = $manager->save($product);
This method can even store associated entities, which depending on the situation can save a bit of work.
use Acme\User;
use Acme\Profile;
//build entity manager
$manager = $mapper->newManager('Acme\User');
//create user instance
$user = new User();
$user->name = 'emaphp');
$user->email = 'emaphp@localhost.com';
//create profile instance
$profile = new Profile();
$profile->firstName = 'Emmanuel';
$profile->lastName = 'Antico';
$profile->gender = 'M';
//assign profile and store
$user->profile = $profile;
When the primary key attribute of an entity is already set, the save method does an update query.
use Acme\Product; use emapper\Query\Attr; //build entity manager $manager = $mapper->newManager('Acme\Product'); //update product price and store $product = $manager->get(Attr::code()->eq('PHN087')); $product->price = 149.99; $manager->save($product);
By default, this saves the entity along with all associated values. There are some scenarios though in which this behaviour is not necessary and could produce some unnecesary overhead. Let's take the Profile -> User association as an example.
use eMapper\Query\Attr; $manager = $mapper->newManager('Acme\Profile'); $profile = $manager->findByPk(100); $profile->firstName = 'Ishmael'; //save profile along with the related user $manager->save($profile);
Obtaining a profile in this way will also evaluate the user association defined in the Profile class. As explained before, saving this profile not only updates the profiles table but also the associated user. In order to reduce the number of queries to perform we'll set the association depth to 0 through the depth method.
//get profile without associated data $profile = $manager->depth(0)->findByPk(100);
When the association depth is set to 0 no related data is obtained. That means that doing something like:
will return a NULL value. The save method also expects a depth parameter (default to 1) that we can manipulate to define if related data must be updated along with the entity. This means that if the related data is not updated we can use the depth method to optimize the amount of data to obtain. Then, we can store the modified entity and add a second argument to avoid storing any associated data. The example above clarifies this process.
$manager = $mapper->newManager('Acme\Profile'); $profile = $manager->depth(0)->findByPk(100); //get profile $profile->firstName = 'Ishmael'; //apply changes $manager->save($profile, 0); //save
Dynamic SQL -----------
#####Introduction Queries could also contain logic expressions which are evaluated againts current arguments. These expressions (or S-expressions) are written in [eMacros](https://github.com/emaphp/eMacros ""), a language based on [lisphp](https://github.com/lisphp/lisphp ""). Dynamic expressions are included between the delimiters *[?* and *?]*. The next example shows a query that sets the condition dynamically by checking the argument type.
//dynamic query $query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE [? (if (int? (%0)) 'id = %{i}' 'name = %{s}') ?]"; //find by id $user = $mapper->type('obj')->query($query, 99); //find by name $user = $mapper->type('obj')->query($query, 'emaphp');
#####eMacros 101
Just to give you a basic approach of how S-expressions work here's a list of small examples. Refer to eMacros documentation for more.
; simple math (+ 4 10) ; 14 (- 10 4) ; 6 (* 5 3 2) ; 30 ; sum first two arguments (+ (%0) (%1)) ; concat (. "Hello" " " "World!") ; is int? (int? 6) ; true ; is string? (string? true) ; false ; cast to float (as-float "65.32") ; check if argument has attribute (#name?) ; obtain attribute value (#description) ; check if configuration key exists (@limit?) ; get configuration value (@order) ; if then else (if (null? (#id)) 'WHERE 1' 'WHERE id=#{id}')
#####Configuration values
This example adds an ORDER clause if the configuration key 'order' is set.
$query = "SELECT * FROM users [? (if (@order?) (. 'ORDER BY ' (@order))) ?]"; //get all users $mapper->type('obj[]')->query($query); //the option method returns an instance with an additional configuration value //get ordered users $mapper->type('obj[]')->option('order', 'last_login')->query($query);
#####Typed expressions A value returned by a dynamic SQL expression can be associated to a type by adding the type identifier right after the first delimiter. This example simulates a search using the LIKE operator with the value returned by a dynamic expression that returns a string.
$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name LIKE [?string (. '%' (%0) '%') ?]"; //search by name $users = $mapper->map('obj[]')->query($query, 'ema');
Dynamic Attributes ------------------
#####Introduction Dynamic attributes provide us with an alternate method for fetching related data from an entity instance.
This example introduces a new entity class named Sale. A sale is related to a product by its productId property. Let's say that we want to obtain that product without declaring an association. In order to do this, we add a product property which includes a special @Query annotation. This annotation expects a string containing the query that solves this association.
namespace Acme\Factory; /** * @Entity sales */ class Sale { /** * @Id */ public $id; /** * @Column product_id */ public $productId; /** * @Query "SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = #{productId}" * @Type obj:Acme\Factory\Product */ public $product; }
When used along with @Query, the @Type annotation specifies the mapping expression to use.
#####Adding parameters
The @Param annotation can be used to define a list of arguments for a dynamic attribute. These arguments can be either a property of the current entity or a constant value. The annotation @Param(self) indicates that the current instance is used as first argument. If no additional parameters are added then it can be ignored. Knowing this we can redefine the product property in two ways.
namespace Acme\Factory; /** * @Entity sales */ class Sale { //... /** * Using Param(self) to send current entity as argument... * * @Query "SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = #{productId}" * @Param(self) * @Type obj:Acme\Factory\Product */ public $product; }
Or the alternative syntax specifying the attribute name to use.
namespace Acme\Factory; /** * @Entity sales */ class Sale { //... /** * ...or using the attribute name as an argument of Param. * * @Query "SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = %{i}" * @Param(productId) * @Type obj:Acme\Factory\Product */ public $product; }
The next example adds a relatedProducts property in the Product class that includes 2 arguments: the current partial instance and a integer value that sets the amount of objects to return.
namespace Acme\Factory; /** * @Entity products */ class Product { /** * @Id */ public $id; /** * @Type string */ public $category; /** * @Query "SELECT * FROM products WHERE category = #{category} LIMIT %{i}" * @Param(self) * @Param 10 * @Type obj::Acme\Factory\Product[id] */ public $relatedProducts; }
Statements provide a more generic way to obtain values by using a special syntax that includes an entity class plus a statement id separated by a dot. The statement id defines a search criteria according to a list of supported expressions. For example, User.findByPk obtains a User entity by primary key. The required argument is provided through the @Param annotation.
namespace Acme\Factory; /** * @Entity sales */ class Sale { /** * @Id */ public $id; /** * @Column product_id */ public $productId; /** * @Statement Product.findByPk * @Param(productId) */ public $product; }
**List of supported statements**
#####Stored procedures
In order to bind an attribute to a procedure execution we add a @Procedure annotation specifying its name. Additional arguments can be supplied through @Param.
namespace Acme\Factory; /** * @Entity products */ class Product { /** * @Id * @Type int */ public $id; /** * @Type string */ public $category; /** * @Procedure Products_AvgPriceByCategory * @Param(category) * @Type float */ public $averagePrice; }
#####Macros *@Eval* evaluates a S-expression against current entity. This powerful feature can be used to obtain a person's age and fullname. ```php namespace Acme;
@Entity people / class Person { /*
- @Id
- @Type int */ public $id;
- @Type string */ public $name;
- @Column surname */ public $lastname;
- @Column birth_date
- @Type dt */ public $birthDate;
- @Eval (. (#name) ' ' (#lastname)) */ public $fullname;
- @Eval (as-int (diff-format (#birthDate) (now) "%y")) */ public $age; }
#####Conditional attributes
The *@If* and *@IfNot* annotations are used to define conditional attributes. These attributes are evaluated if the given expression evaluates to true with *@If* and false with *@IfNot*. Conditions must also be expressed as macros.
namespace Acme;
* @Entity posts
class Post {
* @Id
* @Type int
public $id;
* @Type string
public $type;
* @Type string
public $body;
* @If (== (#type) 'pool')
* @Statement Option.findByPostId
* @Param(id)
public $options;
Additionally, the @IfNotNull annotation evaluates a dynamic attribute if the specified attribute is not null.
namespace Acme; /** * @Entity categories */ class Category { /** * @Id * @Typs int */ public $id; /** * @Type string */ public $name; /** * @Type int * @Column parent_id */ public $parentId; /** * @IfNotNull(parentId) * @Statement Category.findByPk * @Param(parentId) */ public $parent; }
#####Options The *@Option* annotation set a custom option value for the current attribute. An option must define its name by setting it between parentheses just before the value. ```php namespace Acme;
@Entity users / class User { /*
- @Id
- @Type int */ public $id;
- @Type string */ public $name;
- @Type string */ public $email;
- @Query "SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE user_id = %{i} [? (. 'ORDER BY ' (@order)) ?]"
- @Param(id)
- @Option(order) 'contact_type' */ public $contacts; }
eMapper provides value caching through [SimpleCache](https://github.com/emaphp/simplecache ""), a small PHP library supporing Memcache adn APC cache providers. Before setting a cache provider make sure the required extension is correctly installed.
use SimpleCache\APCProvider;
$provider = new APCProvider;
use SimpleCache\MemcacheProvider;
$provider = new MemcacheProvider('localhost', 11211);
use SimpleCache\MemcachedProvider;
$provider = new MemcachedProvider('mem');
$provider->addServer('localhost', 11211);
#####Storing values ```php //get users and store values with the key 'USERS_ALL' (time to live: 60 sec) //if the key is found in cache no query takes place (write once, run forever) $users = $mapper->cache('USERS_ALL', 60)->query("SELECT * FROM users");
//cache keys also receive query arguments //store values with the key 'USER_6' $user = $mapper->type('obj')->cache('USER_%{i}', 120)->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = %{i}", 6);
Custom types
Type handlers are classes that manage how a value is stored and retrieved from a column. The following code examples introduce a custom type *RGBColor* which is used to manage a color palette.
namespace Acme;
* The RGBColor class is a three component class that
* stores the amount of red, green and blue in a color
class RGBColor {
public $red;
public $green;
public $blue;
public function __construct($red, $green, $blue) {
$this->red = $red;
$this->green = $green;
$this->blue = $blue;
#####Type handlers
A type handler extends the eMapper\Type\TypeHandler class and implements the setParameter and getValue methods.
namespace Acme; use eMapper\Type\TypeHandler; class RGBColorTypeHandler extends TypeHandler { /** * Converts a RGBColor instance to a string expression */ public function setParameter(RGBColor $color) { $red = ($color->red < 16) ? '0' . dechex($color->red) : dechex($color->red % 256); $green = ($color->green < 16) ? '0' . dechex($color->green % 256) : dechex($color->green); $blue = ($color->blue < 16) ? '0' . dechex($color->blue) : dechex($color->blue % 256); return $red . $green . $blue; } /** * Generates a new RGBColor instance from a string value */ public function getValue($value) { return new RGBColor(hexdec(substr($value, 0, 2)), hexdec(substr($value, 2, 2)), hexdec(substr($value, 4, 2))); } }
#####Types and aliases ```php use Acme\RGBColorTypeHandler;
//add type $mapper->addType('Acme\RGBColor', new RGBColorTypeHandler());
//mapping to RGBColor $color = $mapper->type('Acme\RGBColor')->query("SELECT color FROM palette WHERE id = 1");
//using an alias $mapper->addType('Acme\RGBColor', new RGBColorTypeHandler(), 'rgb');
//mapping to RGBColor using the previously defined alias $color = $mapper->type('rgb')->query("SELECT color FROM palette WHERE id = 1");
#####Using custom types
namespace Acme;
* @Entity vehicles
class Car {
* @Id
* @Type integer
public $id;
* @Type string
public $manufacturer;
* @Type rgb
public $color;
Appendix I: Additional features ------------
#####Query debugging
The debug method receives a Closure instance which can be used to inspect a query before being sent to the database.
use eMapper\Mapper; use eMapper\Engine\SQLite\SQLiteDriver; $mapper = new Mapper(new SQLiteDriver('data.db')); //append call to debug method $result = $mapper->debug(function($query) { //print query echo $query. "\n"; })->type('obj')->query('SELECT * FROM products WHERE code = %{i}', 'WER745'); $mapper->close();
This method is supported by fluent queries and manager instances as well.
Resultmaps are a convenient way of mapping objects and arrays without relying on entities. We declare a resultmap as a class using the appropiate annotations for each property.
namespace Acme; /** * @ResultMap */ class UserResultMap { /** * @Type int */ public $id; /** * @Type string * @Column firstname */ public $name; /** * @Column last_login */ public $lastLogin; }
We instruct a mapper instance to use a resultmap by appending a call to the resultmap method. This method expects the resultmap class fullname as an argument.
use eMapper\Mapper; use eMapper\Engine\SQLite\SQLiteDriver; $mapper = new Mapper(new SQLiteDriver('data.db')); //the obtained array has the 'id', 'name' and 'lastLogin' keys defined $user = $mapper ->resultmap('Acme\UserResultMap') ->type('arr') ->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = %{i}", 7); $mapper->close();
Mapper instances do support transactions through the methods beginTransaction, commit and rollback.
use eMapper\Mapper; use eMapper\Engine\SQLite\SQLiteDriver; $mapper = new Mapper(new SQLiteDriver('data.db')); //begin transaction $mapper->beginTransaction(); //run query $query = $mapper->newQuery(); $query->insertInto('users') ->values('emaphp', sha1('qwerty'), 'emaphp@github.com') ->exec(); //commit $mapper->commit(); $mapper->close();
Appendix II: Annotations ------------
#####Class annotations
#####Property annotations
#####Dynamic attributes
Appendix III: Configuration keys ------------
Methods like *type*, *indexCallback* and *resultmap* define a list of internal options that are later interpreted by a *Mapper* instance. Here is the full list of these internal options along with their corresponding methods.
License --------------
This code is licensed under the MIT license.