
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the lipht/lipht package instead.

The elpho framework core

0.1.0-rc1 2016-11-14 16:47 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2019-02-20 20:02:57 UTC


Your non-invasive, lightweight, fast, dev-tool framework

The framework's core structure is dedicated to solve the leaked scope and procedural ancestry of PHP. That said, it's nothing but a language extension.

Hello Core

Here is the very verbose HelloWorld.php example using the elpho/lang package:

   require 'vendor/autoload.php';

   //Tell the framework what's your entry class using registerMain
   //If it's the same as your filename you can leave it out

   use elpho\lang\Text;

   //The class name is same as file without ".php"
   class HelloWorld{
      //Entry method ($args is a parsed php://input)
      public static final function main($args=array()){
         //Wrapper class with lots of functions
         //Not really useful here
         $word = new Text("Hello World!");

         //It calls toString() using PHP magic methods
      //(optional) Shutdown method
      public static final function shutdown(){

Hello MVC

Here is the "Hello World" using the elpho/mvc package:

   namespace myProject;

   require 'vendor/autoload.php';

   //Tell the framework what's your entry class

   use elpho\mvc\Router;

   //The entry class
   class Index{
      public static final function main($args=array()){
         $router = Router::getInstance(__DIR__);

         $router->map("", array("Home", "index"));
   use elpho\mvc\Controller;
   use elpho\mvc\View;

   //Home controller
   class Home extends Controller{
      public static function index($args){
         //Ideally use the mvc.View class
         $view = new View("template.html.php");
         $view->myMessageAttribute = "Hello World!";
<!-- template.html.php -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
   RewriteEngine On
   RewriteRule (.*) Index.php [QSD,L]


The system folder contains all the framework core files. Userland functions are declared in the file system/topLevel.php, they are:

  1. registerMain(className) This method is used when you need to tell elpho that your exposed file has a different name from the entry class (i.e. when it's namespaced). Just pass the main class fullname and it will call it when it finishes loading your app.

  2. call(function [, argument...]) An alias to call_user_func.

  3. apply(function , argumentArray) An alias to call_user_func_array.

  4. matchTypes(type [, type]...) Returns true if the list of arguments in the current function matches the types passed to it.


This framework is a work in progress.

Mail me at spark.crz(at)gmail.com if you wanna chat! Or join ##php and ##php-br channels at freenode.net IRC servers