
An abstract php connector for elasticsearch 8.x

1.0.3 2025-01-31 16:09 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-31 16:09:26 UTC


provided by Ellinaut

What is this library for?

This library provides a reusable structure and implementation for common tasks related to elasticsearch development with PHP. The goal is to have the same structure in every application and to avoid rewriting simple tasks like creation of indices or storing documents every time you need it.

The library uses the official library elasticsearch/elasticsearch and adds some more structure and features.


This library requires you to use PHP in the version 7.2 or higher and an elasticsearch server with version 8.x.


The simplest way to install this library to your application is composer:

composer require ellinaut/elasticsearch-8-connector

How to use this library in your application

Core of this library, and the entry point for each call from your application, is the class Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\ElasticsearchConnector.

So you need an instance of this class, which requires instances of Ellinaut\Elasticsearch\Connection\ConnectionFactoryInterface, Ellinaut\Elasticsearch\NameProvider\NameProviderInterface and Ellinaut\Elasticsearch\Connection\ResponseHandlerInterface (optional).

Here is an example for instance which connect to localhost on the default port and does not change index or pipeline names between PHP and elasticsearch:

    use Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\Connection\DsnConnectionFactory;
    use Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\NameProvider\RawNameProvider;
    use Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\ElasticsearchConnector;

    $elasticsearch = new ElasticsearchConnector(
        new DsnConnectionFactory(''),
        new RawNameProvider(),
        new RawNameProvider()

How to manage connections

Connections are created with the help of a ConnectionFactory (an instance of Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\Connection\ConnectionFactoryInterface). The created connection is an instance of Elasticsearch\Client which is used for all actions executed with the ElasticsearchConnector.

The simplest way is to use the DsnConenctionFactory provided by this library (see above) but if your configuration is more complex you are also able to implement the ConnectionFactoryInterface by your self.

How to manage indices

The ElasticsearchConnector provides some methods to manage indices. Each method will result in one or more calls to an instance of Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\Index\IndexManagerInterface. Each index requires an instance of this interface which have to be provided and registered to the connector by your application.

To simplify your implementation, you can use the trait Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\Index\IndexManagerTrait. This trait requires that you implement the method getIndexDefinition, which have to provide the elasticsearch index configuration as array. The trait uses this method and provides all methods required by the IndexManagerInterface.

Here is an example how a custom IndexManager could look like:

    namespace App\IndexManager;
    use Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\Index\IndexManagerInterface;
    use Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\Index\IndexManagerTrait;

    class CustomIndexManager implements IndexManagerInterface {
        use IndexManagerTrait;
         * @return array
        protected function getIndexDefinition() : array{
            return [
                'mappings' => [
                    'properties' => [
                        'test' => [
                            'type' => 'keyword',

To use your custom index manager, you have to register it on the connector instance:

    /** @var \Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\ElasticsearchConnector $elasticsearch */
    $elasticsearch->addIndexManager('custom_index', new App\IndexManager\CustomIndexManager());

Then you can use this index through these connector method calls:

    /** @var \Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\ElasticsearchConnector $elasticsearch */
    // Creates the index. Will throw an exception if the index already exists.
    // Creates the index only if it does not exist.
    // Deletes the index if it exists, then create the index new.
    // Migrate all documents from the index to a (new) migration index,
    // then recreate the old index and moves all the documents back.
    // Deletes the index if it exists.

Index Naming

Up to now only the internal index name was used in the documentation. If your application uses more than one environment, it might make sense to use different index names for each environment, especially when hosted on the same elasticsearch server.

That can be reached by using an index name provider, which is an instance of Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\NameProvider\NameProviderInterface. This provider will "decorate" your internal index names for all elasticsearch requests and can be used to get the original (internal) index name from the (external) elasticsearch index name.

Build in providers are:

  • Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\NameProvider\RawNameProvider: For equal naming in PHP and elasticsearch
  • Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\NameProvider\PrefixedNameProvider: For a custom prefix on external index names
  • Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\NameProvider\SuffixedNameProvider: For a custom suffix on external index names
  • Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\NameProvider\ChainedNameProvider: To combine two or more providers

If you need a custom naming strategy, you can also implement the NameProviderInterface with your custom name provider.

The name provider is given to the connector within the constructor.

Index Migrations

By default, the updateIndex method work with these steps:

  1. Create the migration index (index name will be "INDEX_NAME__migrating")
  2. Fetch old documents from the old index
  3. Store old documents to the migration index
  4. Move all documents from the old index to the migration index
  5. Delete the old index
  6. Create the new index with the same name as the old index
  7. Move all documents form the migration index to the new index
  8. Delete the migration index

This procedure might be useful for simple migrations where only a new field will be added or some analyzer or field configurations will be changed. If your migration requires data changes, you are able to provide an instance of Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\Document\DocumentMigratorInterface to the connector.

Here is how your document migrator could look like:

    namespace App\Document;

    use Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\Document\DocumentMigratorInterface;
    class CustomDocumentMigrator implements DocumentMigratorInterface {
         * @param array $previousSource
         * @return array
        public function migrate(array $previousSource) : array{
                $previousSource['test'] = 'Test';
            return $previousSource;

It can be added to the connector like this:

    /** @var \Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\ElasticsearchConnector $elasticsearch */
    $elasticsearch->addDocumentMigrator('custom_index', new App\Document\CustomDocumentMigrator());

If you have added a document migrator to the connector, the new procedure for updateIndex will be:

  1. Create the migration index (index name will be "INDEX_NAME__migrating")
  2. Fetch old documents from the old index
  3. Migrate old documents with the document migrator
  4. Store migrated documents to the migration index
  5. Delete the old index
  6. Create the new index with the same name as the old index
  7. Move all documents form the migration index to the new index
  8. Delete the migration index

How to manage pipelines

The ElasticsearchConnector provides some methods to manage pipelines. Each method will result in one or more calls to an instance of Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\Index\PipelineManagerInterface. Each pipeline requires an instance of this interface which have to be provided and registered to the connector by your application.

To simplify your implementation, you can use the trait Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\Index\PipelineManagerTrait. This trait requires that you implement the method getPipelineDefinition, which have to provide the elasticsearch pipeline configuration as array. The trait uses this method and provides all methods required by the PipelineManagerInterface.

Here is an example how a custom PipelineManager could look like:

    namespace App\PipelineManager;
    use Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\Index\PipelineManagerInterface;
    use Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\Index\PipelineManagerTrait;

    class CustomPipelineManager implements PipelineManagerInterface {
        use PipelineManagerTrait;
         * @return array
        protected function getPipelineDefinition() : array{
            return [
                'description' => 'Your custom pipeline which converts content from field "test" to lowercase.',
                'processors' => [
                        'lowercase' => [
                            'field' => 'test',

To use your custom pipeline manager, you have to register it on the connector instance:

    /** @var \Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\ElasticsearchConnector $elasticsearch */
    $elasticsearch->addPipelineManager('custom_pipeline', new App\PipelineManager\CustomPipelineManager());

Then you can use this pipeline through these connector method calls:

    /** @var \Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\ElasticsearchConnector $elasticsearch */
    // Creates all registered pipelines.
    // Creates only the given pipeline.
    // Deletes all registered pipelines.
    // Deletes only the given pipeline.

Pipeline Naming

As with the indices also pipeline names could be different between PHP and elasticsearch. The name providers are the same as for indices.

How to manage documents

The ElasticsearchConnector provides some methods to manage documents. You should use the method indexDocument to create or update a document. You should use the method deleteDocument to delete a document by ID. You could also use indexDocumentImmediately or deleteDocumentImmediately if you don't want to use bulk requests. You can retrieve single documents via methods retrieveDocument or retrieveDocumentSource.

See how it looks like in your code:

    /** @var \Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\ElasticsearchConnector $elasticsearch */
    // Index the document with ID "document_1" into the index "custom_index" and use pipeline "custom_pipeline".
    // Document is index via queue system which uses bulk requests internally. Recommended method to index documents.
    $elasticsearch->indexDocument('custom_index','document_1', ['test'=>'Test'],'custom_pipeline');
    // Index the document with ID "document_1" into the index "custom_index" and use pipeline "custom_pipeline".
    // Document is indexed immediately to elasticsearch.
    $elasticsearch->indexDocumentImmediately('custom_index','document_1', ['test'=>'Test'],'custom_pipeline');
    // Retrieves the full document by ID from elasticsearch.
    // Retrieves only the content of key "_source" from the elasticsearch document.
    // Deletes the document with ID "document_1" from index "custom_index".
    // Document is deleted via queue system which uses bulk requests internally. Recommended method to delete documents.
    // Deletes the document with ID "document_1" from index "custom_index".
    // Document is deleted immediately from elasticsearch.

Queue System

If you use the recommended methods to index or delete documents, your "commands" are internally stored in a queue. If the configured maxQueueSize (via constructor of ElasticsearchConnector) is reached, or a different pipeline should be used for the next document, the queue is executed automatically. If the limit is never reached, you have to call executeQueueImmediately before the php process is finished. In a framework like symfony this should be done via an event listener. In your custom application this method should be executed at the end of your php script or application cycle. The method will execute all queued commands within a single bulk request to elasticsearch, which will improve your application performance through reduction of http requests.

    /** @var \Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\ElasticsearchConnector $elasticsearch */
    // Executes all queued index or delete commands with a single bulk request.

How to search documents

The connector offers you a method to search results and a method to count results without fetching all results. These methods make use of the base methods from the Elasticsearch\Client. The difference is that the connector methods take care of the internal index names and convert them to external index names, which can be used for elasticsearch requests.

    /** @var \Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\ElasticsearchConnector $elasticsearch */
    // Executes a search request over all indices.
    $searchAllResult = $elasticsearch->executeSearch(
            'body' => [
                'query' => [
                    'match_all' => (object)[] // fix for elasticsearch, because an empty array doesn't work in the api
    // Executes a search request only for the index "custom_index".
    $searchCustomResult = $elasticsearch->executeSearch(
            'body' => [
                'query' => [
                    'match_all' => (object)[] // fix for elasticsearch, because an empty array doesn't work in the api
    // Executes a count request over all indices.
    $numberOfAllResults = $elasticsearch->executeCount(
            'body' => [
                'query' => [
                    'match_all' => (object)[] // fix for elasticsearch, because an empty array doesn't work in the api
    // Executes a count request only for the index "custom_index".
    $numberOfCustomResults = $elasticsearch->executeCount(
            'body' => [
                'query' => [
                    'match_all' => (object)[] // fix for elasticsearch, because an empty array doesn't work in the api

How to handle more complex scenarios

The goal of this library is to standardize and simplify common actions with PHP and elasticsearch. More complex scenarios has to been solved by your application, but the connector can help you with that.

The connector offers some helper methods, which could be useful for your custom scenario:

    /** @var \Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\ElasticsearchConnector $elasticsearch */
    // Returns the configured instance of "Elasticsearch\Client" which is also used by the connector.
    $connection = $elasticsearch->getConnection();
    // Get the external index name for elasticsearch requests
    $externalIndexName = $elasticsearch->getExternalIndexName('custom_index');
    // Get the internal index name for internal mappings with the result of an elasticsearch request
    $internalIndexName = $elasticsearch->getInternalIndexName('external_custom_index');
    // Get the external pipeline name for elasticsearch requests
    $externalPipelineName = $elasticsearch->getExternalPipelineName('custom_pipeline');
    // Get the internal pipeline name for internal mappings with the result of an elasticsearch request
    $internalPipelineName = $elasticsearch->getInternalPipelineName('external_custom_pipeline');

Error Handling / Response Handling

Sometimes you will need direct access to the elasticsearch responses. This will be useful for custom error handling or debugging. You are able to provide an instance of Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\Connection\ResponseHandlerInterface via constructor to the connector.

A custom response handler could look like this:

    namespace App\PipelineManager;
    use Ellinaut\ElasticsearchConnector\Connection\ResponseHandlerInterface;

    class CustomResponseHandler implements ResponseHandlerInterface {
         * @param string $method
         * @param array $response
        public function handleResponse(string $method,array $response) : void{
            if($method === 'createIndex'){

The response handler will be called for responses in these methods:

  • IndexManagerInterface::createIndex
  • IndexManagerInterface::updateIndex
  • IndexManagerTrait::moveDocuments
  • IndexManagerInterface::deleteIndex
  • PipelineManagerInterface::createPipeline
  • PipelineManagerInterface::deletePipeline
  • ElasticsearchConnector::indexDocumentImmediately
  • ElasticsearchConnector::deleteDocumentImmediately
  • ElasticsearchConnector::executeQueueImmediately

Ellinaut is powered by NXI GmbH & Co. KG and BVH Bootsvermietung Hamburg GmbH.