
Hybrid RBAC AuthManager for Yii2 Framework.

Installs: 10 060

Dependents: 3

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 8

Watchers: 3

Forks: 1

Open Issues: 1


1.0.2 2021-08-01 13:17 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-21 04:05:18 UTC


The extension extends yii\rbac\PhpManager and allows to store user assignments in any storage instead of app/rbac/assignments.php file.


Install with composer:

composer require elisdn/yii2-hybrid-authmanager

or add

"elisdn/yii2-hybrid-authmanager": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.

Set authManager component in your config:

'components' => [
    'authManager' => [
        'class' => 'elisdn\hybrid\AuthManager',
        'modelClass' => 'app\modules\User',

and implement AuthRoleModelInterface in your model class.

Usage samples

Storing single role in the role field of user table:

namespace app\models;

use elisdn\hybrid\AuthRoleModelInterface;

class User extends ActiveRecord implements IdentityInterface, AuthRoleModelInterface

    public static function findAuthRoleIdentity($id)
        return static::findOne($id);

    public static function findAuthIdsByRoleName($roleName)
        return static::find()->where(['role' => $roleName])->select('id')->column();

    public function getAuthRoleNames()
        return (array)$this->role;

    public function addAuthRoleName($roleName)
        $this->updateAttributes(['role' => $this->role = $roleName]);

    public function removeAuthRoleName($roleName)
        $this->updateAttributes(['role' => $this->role = null]);

    public function clearAuthRoleNames()
        $this->updateAttributes(['role' => $this->role = null]);


Storing multiple roles:

class User extends ActiveRecord implements IdentityInterface, AuthRoleModelInterface

    public function getAuthRoleNames()
        return $this->roles;

    public function addAuthRoleName($roleName)
        $this->updateAttributes(['roles' => $this->roles = array_merge($this->roles, [$roleName])]);

    public function removeAuthRoleName($roleName)
        $this->updateAttributes(['roles' => $this->roles = array_diff($this->roles, [$roleName])]);

    public function clearAuthRoleNames()
        $this->updateAttributes(['roles' => $this->roles = []]);


Or with JSON serialization:

class User extends ActiveRecord implements IdentityInterface, AuthRoleModelInterface

    public function getAuthRoleNames()
        return (array)Json::decode($this->roles);

    public function addAuthRoleName($roleName)
        $roles = (array)Json::decode($this->roles);
        $this->roles[] = $roleName;
        $this->updateAttributes(['role' => $this->roles = Json::encode($this->roles)]);

    public function removeAuthRoleName($roleName)
        $roles = (array)Json::decode($this->roles);
        $this->roles = array_diff($this->roles, [$roleName])
        $this->updateAttributes(['role' => $this->roles = Json::encode($this->roles)]);

    public function clearAuthRoleNames()
        $this->updateAttributes(['role' => $this->roles = Json::encode([])]);


Handling role events (optional)

If you want to update your storage on system events just add your event handlers:

class User extends ActiveRecord implements IdentityInterface, AuthRoleModelInterface

    public static function onRenameRole(RenameRoleEvent $event)
        self::updateAll(['role' => $event->newRoleName], ['role' => $event->oldRoleName]);

    public static function onRemoveRole(RemoveRoleEvent $event)
        self::updateAll(['role' => null], ['role' => $event->roleName]);

    public static function onRemoveAll(RemoveAllEvent $event)
        self::updateAll(['role' => null]);

    public static function onRemoveAllAssignments(RemoveAllAssignmentsEvent $event)
        self::updateAll(['role' => null]);

and register the handlers:

'authManager' => [
    'class' => 'elisdn\hybrid\AuthManager',
    'modelClass' => 'app\models\User',
    'on renameRole' => ['app\models\User', 'onRenameRole'],
    'on removeRole' => ['app\models\User', 'onRemoveRole'],
    'on removeAll' => ['app\models\User', 'onRemoveAll'],
    'on removeAllAssignments' => ['app\models\User', 'onRemoveAllAssignments'],