Deploy your project on your server with a single command

0.1.1 2022-07-04 17:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-04 20:51:48 UTC




ECB is is a deploy script runner, made for you.


  • php 8.0+
  • composer


Installing is just a simple global require.

    composer global require elijahcruz/ecb


First you need to create a deploy script.

You can use ecb.json or ecb.init as your deploy script, you can create this using the following command:

   ecb init

or for JSON:

    ecb init --json

You can also Change the type and name of the project if it's different from the default:

    ecb init --type=laravel --name=MyAwesomeProject

Then you can add your commands to the ecb file. Once you have all the steps you need, just run it:

    ecb run

And that's it!