
A package to help you manage your cookie banner and cookie policy with ease

0.0.5 2018-12-05 08:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-06 09:24:25 UTC


A package to help you manage your cookie banner and cookie policy with ease.

Documentation is still a work in progress.

Why laravel-croustillon?

I'm glad you asked. During the develoment of this packages I used Cookie to namespace everything which quickly made it hard to dicerne the Laravel Cookie classes and the Cookie from my package.

I start thinking about names to use and thought of names like Donuts, Cake, Waffle or Biscuit. I discussed this with a colleague (@meduzen) and I joked about using Croustillon because it would make everything awesome.

Croustillon is a (french) Belgian word. For the non belgian people out here, Google Translate tells me it's called a donut in english, but I'm sceptical.

So here's a picture:



I'm not a lawyer, so everything here should be taken with a grain of salt, especially the legal documents.

Therefor I decline all responsability for any legal issues you might encounter by using this package without checking the legal documents with a lawyer.


composer require elhebert/laravel-croustillon

This package uses auto-discovery, so you don't have to do anything.

You can publish the config-file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Elhebert\Croustillon\CroustillonServiceProvider" --tag="croustillon-config"

You can publish the language-file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Elhebert\Croustillon\CroustillonServiceProvider" --tag="croustillon-translations"

You can publish the view-files with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Elhebert\Croustillon\CroustillonServiceProvider" --tag="croustillon-views"

You can add a cookie banner to all responses of your app by registering Elhebert\Croustillon\Http\Middlewares\AddCookieBanner::class in the http kernel.

// app/Http/Kernel.php


protected $middlewareGroups = [
   'web' => [

Alternatively you can apply the middleware on the route or route group level.

// in a routes file

Route::get('my-page', 'MyController')->middleware(Elhebert\Croustillon\Http\Middlewares\AddCookieBanner::class);


This package allows you to define a cookie policy. A cookie policy determines which cookies are used within your website and generate a corresponding banner and legal page.

By default every Laravel application has 2 cookies set, the laravel_session cookie and the XSRF-TOKEN cookie. Using a new Laravel application as example, here what you can expect:

// in a policy


Creating a cookie

As we all know website are not limited to use the default cookies and might use new ones for all kind of reasons. Which is why you can create custom cookies to add to a policy.

A cookie is compose of a name, a description, a duration, a purpose, a source and a category.

namespace Elhebert\Croustillon\Cookies;

use Elhebert\Croustillon\Categories\Mandatory;

class Xsrf extends Cookie
    public $name = 'XSRF-TOKEN';

    public $category = Mandatory::class;

    public $source = 'Laravel';

    public $duration = '2 hours';

    public $purpose = 'security';

This package comes with pre-defined categories from which you can choose from:


Depending on which cookies you added to your policy, it'll impact the cookie banner and the legal page. The banner will add checkboxes for each categories of cookies (to offer fully granularity to the visitor) and the legal page will add the cookies and corresponding categories to the list of cookies.

If you need to customize the different variables you can use the corresponding functions instead of the variable:

public function duration(): string
    return config('session.lifetime') . ' minutes';

public function purpose(): string
    return trans('croustillon::cookies.purposes.security');

Creatiing a policy

Once you have all your cookies, you need to create a new policy:

namespace App\Service\Croustillon\Policies;

use Elhebert\Croustillon\Policies\Basic;
use App\Service\Croustillon\Cookie\MyCustomCookie;

class MyCustomPolicy extends Basic
    public function configure()


Don't forget to update the policy key of the config file to the class of your policy (in this case it would be App\Service\Croustillon\Policies\MyCustomPolicy).

Customising the cookie banner and the legal page

This package comes with a default cookie banner and legal page that you can (and should) customize, to do so you need to publish the package views:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Elhebert\Croustillon\CroustillonServiceProvider" --tag="croustillon-views"

Cookie banner

The banner will be in resources/views/vendor/croustillon/banner.blade.php. By default it's generating the checkboxes for every cookie categories present in your policy. The mandatory category will be checked and disable (because it's mandatory).

It also comes bundle with a controller and a route, so you don't need to worry about creating them in your application.

The default route is /croustillon.

Cookie legal page

The legal page can be found in resources/views/vendor/croustillon/policy.blade.php. The main content of that page is already done, but you still should update it to suit your need and your website.

The default route for this page is /croustillon/policy.


This package come with opinions. Like routes, copy and views.

Everything can be customize.


The prefix can be customize in the config file but should you need complete control on the routes you can disable the ones from this package to create your own.

The routes you need to create are:

  • For the cookie banner form:

    • Verb: POST
    • Action: \Elhebert\Croustillon\Http\Controllers\CookiesController (it has an __invoke method, so you don't need to reference a method).
  • For the cookie policy legal page:

    • Verb: GET
    • Action: \Elhebert\Croustillon\Http\Controllers\CookiePolicyController (it has an __invoke method, so you don't need to reference a method).


You can overwrite the default translations by publishing the language files.


You can overwrite the default views by publishing the view files.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for more details.


This project and the Laravel framework are open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.