Packages from elephpant

  • PHP


    Breadcrumbs in an uncomplicated way. This component facilitates the way to create breadcrumbs for your website, to favor a more accessible navigation. It was designed to work very well with the Bootstrap Framework. Besides being very easy to use, it has very interesting possibilities, such as adding new separators and new CSS classes to style this interface component to your liking. The Breadcrumb Component also allows you to have access to the Array assembled to feed into other features of your system, such as a microformat, for example.

  • PHP


    A simple and effective way to work with Cookies

  • PHP


    CRUD is a abstraction of PDO for simplify to simplify reading, writing, updating and removing data from the Database

  • PHP


    A simple way to generate multiple favicons.

  • PHP


    Light Query Builder's a simple query builder made for simple applications, but it's powerful

  • PHP


    Quotation is a simple way to extract the currency situation converted for CURRENCY REAL (BRL), either on the current day or in previous periods, as well as at defined intervals. Contains a vast collection of coins to get your status for REAL (BRL).

  • PHP


    A simple way to generate social share links.

  • PHP


    Structured Data ( is a set of extensible schemas makes it easier for webmasters and developers to embed structured data on their web pages for use by search engines and other applications.

  • PHP


    Brazilian Table of Food Composition (TACO) API (v0.1.0)

  • PHP


    Trigger is the absurdly easy way to communicate with the user of your application through highly customizable messages

  • PHP


    Update services is a tool that you can use to let other people know that you've updated your blog. Similar to what WordPress does when sending an XML-RPC ping, automatically notifying popular update services when you update your blog.