v1.1.0 2021-10-07 08:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-07 14:04:53 UTC


Manages backups for PHP projects. This repo holds main interfaces, basic Managers, Jobs and PurgeRules.


The package is built around the idea of backup manager, to which all backup jobs are registered. The manager also purges older backups using the purge rules, keeping the storage used for backups under control.


// init
$purgeRule = new ElektroPotkan\Backups\PurgeRules\Rolling;

$manager = new ElektroPotkan\Backups\Managers\Locking('path-to-backups-directory', 'MyApp-v1.47.2', $purgeRule);

$manager->addJob('config', new ElektroPotkan\Backups\Jobs\FileCopy('config/main.cfg'));
$manager->addJob('readme', new ElektroPotkan\Backups\Jobs\File('txt', 'Some README notes to keep in the backup for future restore'));
$manager->addJob('data', new ElektroPotkan\Backups\Jobs\Callback('json',
	function(string $path) use($jsonSource): void {
			file_put_contents($path, $jsonSource->getData());

// run periodically

// backend management

// backup details
$backup = $manager->list()[0];

$file = $backup->files[0];

Custom backup job

class MyJob implements ElektroPotkan\Backups\IJob {
	private $api;
	public function __construct($api){
		$this->api = $api;
	public function create(string $path): void {
	public function getExtension(): string {
		return 'data';

// register the new job
$myJob = new MyJob($myApi);

$manager->addJob('api', $myJob);

Custom purge rule

class MyRule implements ElektroPotkan\Backups\IPurgeRule {
	public function keepOrPurge(DateTimeInterface $dt, DateTimeInterface $now): bool {
		// keep backups from last 12 days and from January 1 of each year
		return $dt >= Nette\Utils\DateTime::from($now)->modify('- 12 days')->setTime(0, 0, 0, 0) || $dt->format('z') === '0';

$purgeRule = new MyRule;

Job file-name

The jobs files are named using the schema:


E.g. for manager configured with MyApp-v1.47.2 as $name parameter, backup created at 2021-08-30 20:07:24 UTC, job added with the name test and returning extension txt, the resulting file-name would be:



To log info and errors from built-in managers, You need to provide an implementation of ElektroPotkan\Backups\ILogger interface via setLogger call:

// $logger implements ElektroPotkan\Backups\ILogger

If You are using Tracy, You can use the provided TracyLogger:

// $logger implements Tracy\ILogger
$manager->setLogger(new ElektroPotkan\Backups\TracyLogger($logger));


Elektro-potkan git@elektro-potkan.cz



This project uses Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 (semver.org).


This project uses slightly modified Git-Flow Workflow and Branching Model:


You may use this program under the terms of either the BSD Zero Clause License or the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3 or later.

See file LICENSE.