
Chat app for the Elefant CMS

Installs: 24

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 1

Watchers: 2

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 1


1.0 2012-05-11 13:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-25 06:47:10 UTC


This is a simple member chat app for the Elefant CMS, powered by the Pusher realtime messaging service.

To install, drop the app into your Elefant apps folder and edit the file apps/chat/conf/config.php. Enter your APP ID, API Key and API Secret values from Pusher. You can now access the default chat at the URL /chat on your website. Please note that chats are members-only, so if you're not logged in you will be taken to the member login screen first.

Embedding the chat box

Chats can be embedded into any page via the Dynamic Objects menu in the WYSIWYG editor, or into any application via the following code:


echo $this->run ('chat/index', array ('channel' => 'channel-name'));


Or in a view template:

{! chat/index?channel=channel-name !}

If no channel is specified, the channel name will be default. Channels can be used in your apps to create separate chat rooms for different groups of users.

Styling the chat box

The chat box can easily be styled through CSS, and some very basic CSS is included in /apps/chat/css/default.css. For reference, here is what the HTML of the chat box looks like:

<div id="chat">
	<div id="chat-box">
		<ul id="chat-list">
			<li class="chat-msg">
				<span class="chat-user">Johnny:</span>
				<span class="chat-text">Hello, world!</span>
			<li class="chat-msg">
				<span class="chat-user">World:</span>
				<span class="chat-text">Hi Johnny!</span>

	<form id="chat-form" onsubmit="return chat.speak (this)">
		<input type="text" name="chat-input" id="chat-input" />
		<input type="submit" value="Send" id="chat-submit" />