
Electroneum PHP Wallet Manager

0.1.0 2018-10-18 09:50 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-26 02:56:18 UTC


A wallet manager written in PHP to create and verify Electroneum wallet addresses and keys.

This allows for a PHP only solution; no need to run the wallet-rpc that requires a synchronised blockchain.



Manual Installation

Unpack the code and include the Electroneum WalletManager class:


Composer Installation

Using composer, you can easily install with:

composer require electroneum/wallet-manager-php

Alternatively, you can add the following to your composer.json:

"require": {
    "electroneum/wallet-manager-php": "^0.1.0"
"repositories": [
        "type": "vcs",
        "url": "https://github.com/electroneum/wallet-manager-php"


A demonstration can be found in example/demo.php.

Quick Use

The most common use, to generate a new wallet:

    $walletManager = new Electroneum\Wallet\WalletManager();
    $wallet = $walletManager->wallet_from_seed();

Getting Started

Create the WalletManager() object, optionally passing an ISO 639-1 code for the required mnemonic language:

// Default to English
$walletManager = new Electroneum\Wallet\WalletManager();

// French
$walletManager = new Electroneum\Wallet\WalletManager('fr');

Supported languages are currently limited to:

Code Language
de German
en English
eo Esperanto
es Spanish
fr French
it Italian
ja Japanese
pt Portuguese
ru Russian
zh Chinese

Create a Wallet

This accepts an optioan seed (32 hexadecimal string) and returns an array of seed, mnemonic words, wallet address and spend/view public/private keys.

$wallet = $walletManager->wallet_from_seed($seed = null);

Create a Wallet from Mnemonic Words

This accepts a string of space separated mnemonic words and returns an array of seed, mnemonic words, wallet address and spend/view public/private keys.

$wallet = $walletManager->wallet_from_mnemonic($mnemonicWords);

Decode an Integrated Wallet

This accepts an integrated address and returns an array of integrated wallet address, wallet address, public view key, public spend key and payment id.

$wallet = $walletManager->integrated_decode($integrated_wallet);

Encode an Integrated Wallet

This returns an array of integrated wallet address, wallet address, public spend key, public view key and payment id.

This can be created with an optional payment id from the public spend/view keys:

$iAddress = $walletManager->integrated_encode($public_spend_key, $public_view_key, $payment_id = null);

If you do not have the public keys, the is an integrated_encode_address() function that accepts a wallet address, decodes this into the public keys and then calls the above function. As a result, the above is faster if you have the keys available.

$iAddress = $walletManager->integrated_encode_address($address, $payment_id = null);

Public Keys From Wallet Address

This accepts a wallet address and decodes it into the public spend and view keys:

$wallet = $walletManager>decode_address($address);

This returns an array of wallet address, network bytes, public spend key and public view key.

Verify Private Keys

This returns a boolean response based on whether a spend and view key belong to the same wallet:

$result = $walletManager->verify_privates($privateSpendKey, $privateViewKey);

Generate a Payment Id

Generate a cryptographically secure hexadecimal, useful for payment ids:

$paymentId = $walletManager->generate_payment_id($length);