
Sensible default settings and intelligent overrides for theming WordPress.

0.2.20 2018-04-06 12:56 UTC


Sensible default settings and intelligent overrides for theming WordPress.


Via Composer:

composer require elcontraption/wp-theme-config


In your theme's functions.php file:

 * Require Composer's autoloader if you haven't already:

 * Initialize ThemeConfig.

Check out the default config files. You may override any of the settings within the default config files by creating a file of the same name in your theme's config directory. Your config override must return an array. You only need to declare the settings you would like to override.

Adding configuration settings

TODO: add documentation for this.

Important: all config settings are initialized on after_setup_theme, so actions that need to be initialized on that hook should not be wrapped in add_action.