
Symfony integration for SphinxSearch

0.1.0 2015-04-24 11:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-14 10:59:16 UTC


Some SphinxSearch integration with Symfony for gigablah/sphinxphp and foolz/sphinxql-query-builder. Alt text

Version 0.1.* was released during Codewave's shipit day!


Install via composer:

composer require ekiwok/sphinxbundle


You may register many connections. Example configuration is:

            host: localhost
            port: 9306
            driver: pdo
            host: remote-host
            port: 9306
            driver: mysqli

Default connection with following configuration will always be created unless you provide alternative default configuration:

    host: localhost
    port: 9306
    driver: pdo

It means if you want to use pdo and you are running sphinx daemon on localhost on port 9306 you do not have to provide any configuration.

Please notice that $this->get('sphinx')->getConnection() is equivalent to $this->get('sphinx')->getConnection('default').

Connections returned by sphinx service implements Ekiwok\SphinxBundle\Sphinx\QL\ConnectionInterface that extends Foolz\SphinxQL\Drivers\ConnectionInterface by createQueryBuilder() method so thay may be (and shoud be) used interchangeable with Foolz\SphinxQL connections.

Examples of usage:

        $sphinx = $this->get('sphinx');
        $conn = $sphinx->getConnection();
        $recipes = $conn->createQueryBuilder()
                        ->select('id', 'title')
                        ->match('title', 'chicken')
        $sphinx = $this->get('sphinx');
        $conn = $sphinx->getConnection();
        $recipes = $conn->query('SELECT id, title FROM recipes WHERE MATCH("(@title chicken)")');

For more please visit https://github.com/FoolCode/SphinxQL-Query-Builder


Fresh use

If you are just starting using sphinx in your project all you have to do is declare your default connection:

        class: Sphinx\SphinxClient
            - [setServer, ['', 9312] ]

Next decorate it with data collector:

        class: Ekiwok\SphinxBundle\Sphinx\SphinxDataCollector
        arguments: [@sphinx.default.connection, @sphinx_stats]

@sphinx_stats is service that provides data to profiler. You may implement your own provider by implementing: Ekiwok\SphinxBundle\Sphinx\SphinxDataCollector

Now use sphinx.default like Sphinx\SphinxClient.

$sphinxClient = $this->get('sphinx.default');

Replacing Sphinx\SphinxClient

Symfony 2.5+

If you are using Symfony 2.5+ you may be interested in service decoration: http://symfony.com/doc/current/components/dependency_injection/advanced.html#decorating-services

Replacing Sphinx\SphinxClient

If you have your SphinxClient registered for example as sphinx.default use little hack, change this service name to sphinx.default.connection and register SphinxDataCollector as sphinx.default. Because SphinxDataCollector extends SphinxClient it shoud have no side effects on your project:

        class: Ekiwok\SphinxBundle\Sphinx\SphinxDataCollector
        arguments: [@sphinx.default.connection, @sphinx_stats]

You can always instantiate SphinxDataCollector manually (for example in situation when you don't have your SphinxClient managed by container)

    // $sphinxClient is instance of Sphinx\SphinxClient
    $sphinxStats = $this->get('sphinx_stats');
    $sphinxClient = new \Ekiwok\SphinxBundle\Sphinx\SphinxDataCollector($sphinxClient, $sphinxStats);

What does this bundle do?

Well, it shows fancy things and stuff in profiler and toolbar. Those things are now query calls and errors. So all it does is tracking calls of SphinxClient query method and measuring time of this method execution (yeah, it's not actuall query time).

Because SphinxClient uses binary protocol this bundle does not show real human readable queries that may be copied to sphinx cli. (Now =) Unfortunately, it shows just arguments (query, indexes and comment) passed to query method.

This bundle trakcs all errors that unfold during executing queries.


This bundle was originally developed by Piotr Kowalczyk