
PHP Option implementations for all scalars. Possible to register custom Option.

1.0.0 2018-09-16 21:31 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-05 06:41:53 UTC


Option is a value that might or might not be present. In other words it's elegant alternative to throwing an exception or allowing method to return null. It allows for fluent chaining method calls.

Instead of either:

      * @return string|null
     public function get(string $parameter)
      * @throws ParameterNotFoundException
     public function get(string $parameter): string

Just have:

    public function get(string $parameter): OptionString

Allow null approach:

    $uuid = $request->get('id');
    if ($uuid === null) {
       return new NotFoundResponse();
    $product = $this->products->findOneById($uuid); 
    if ($product === null) {
       return new NotFoundResponse();
    return new JsonResponse($product);

Option approach:

    return $request->get('id')
        ->map([$this->products, 'findOneById')
        ->map([JsonResponse::class, 'create'])
        ->orElse(new NotFoundResponse());

In contrary to other libraries this one implements separate Option for each scalar type and allows registering custom Options for objects. It's the closest to Java templates we can get and enforces strict type checking.

So if you prefer strict type checking over having a few opcodes less, you can enforce:

    return Optional::Some("I love strict types")->orElse(new \stdClass());
    // TypeError: Argument 1 passed to class@anonymous::orElse() must be of the type string, object given, called in ...

Optional::Some wraps each value to correct Option class:

   $maybeString   = Optional::Some("test");                          // OptionString
   $maybeInt      = Optional::Some(43);                              // OptionInteger
   $maybeDouble   = Optional::Some(0.0);                             // OptionDobule
   $maybeBool     = Optional::Some(false);                           // OptionBoolean
   $maybeArray    = Optional::Some([]);                              // OpionArray
   $maybeBlogPost = Optional::Some($blogPosts->findOneById($uuid));  // Optional
   OptionArray::of(null) instanceof None; // true
   OptionArray::of([])   instanceof Some; // true


With composer: composer require ekiwok/option


interface Option<T>
    public function equals(Option $another): bool;

    public function isPresent(): bool;

    public function map(callable $mapper, string $typeToWrap = null): Option;

    public function get(): T;
    public function orElse(T $value): T;

    public function orElseGet(callable $supplier): T;

    public function orElseThrow(callable $supplier): T;
    static public function of(T $value): Option<T>
    static public function Some($value): Some
    static public function None(): None

All scalar options enforce that methods get, orElse, orElseGet, orElseThrow returns the same scalar.

So it's not possible to orElse float from OptionString:

   return OptionString::of("test")
   // Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to class@anonymous::orElse() must be of the type string, float given

The only exception is Optional which does not enforce types.

   return Optional::of("test")

Important thing to notice is that when you map Option which is None it will return Optional.

    $maybeIsPalindrome = OptionString::of(null)
    $maybeIsPalindrome instanceof OptionBoolean; // false
    $maybeIsPalindrome instanceof Optional;      // true

This is because there is no reasonable way to guess what should be the type of the value returned by a $supplier. In Some we are able to wrap accordingly to the type of the returned value.

On top of that you probably do not care about mapping when you're dealing with None because all further mappings will also return None.

But if you really want to ensure that, for example, orElseGet $supplier returns value of correct type you might provide expected type as another map parameter:

   $maybeIsPalindrome = OptionString::of(null)
       ->map('isPalindrome', 'boolean');
   $maybeIsPalindrome instanceof OptionBoolean; // true
   $maybeIsPalindrome instanceof Optional;      // false
   $maybeIsPalindrome->orElseGet(function () {
      return null;
   // Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Return value of class@anonymous::orElseGet() must be of the type boolean

Custom mappings

Simply register custom mappings:

       Foo::class => OptionFoo::class,
       Bar::class => OptionBar::clsss,
   Optional::Some(new Foo()) instanceof OptionFoo; // true
   Optional::Some(new Bar()) instanceof OptionBar; // true


If you don't want to get specific type like, for example, OptionString you can wrap $value into Any

    return $products->findOneById($id)
        ->map(function (Product $product) {
            return new Any($product->getPrice());
    // Not throwing exception because after map result is Optional instead of OptionProduct

Autogenerating options

There is experimental bin/generator.php for autogenerating custom Option classes.

It accepts full class name (including namespace) as first argument and optionally desired namespace as second argument (if not provided default namespace is class namespace prefixed with autoload).

So to generate OptionDateTime one could do:

vendor/ekiwok/opion/bin/generator.php \DateTime > ./autogenerated/OptionDateTime.php