
Easy-to-use SDK for implementing Neshan RestFull web APIs in your Laravel projects.

v1.1.2 2022-11-05 11:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-05 17:05:48 UTC



Neshan Laravel SDK

Easy-to-use SDK for implementing Neshan APIs in your Laravel projects.


The easiest way to install is by using Composer:

composer require ehsan_coder/neshan-laravel

Composer is a dependency manager for PHP which allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on, and it will manage (install/update) them for you. If you are not familiar with Composer, you can read its documentations and download it via

configuration .env file

add account information into .env file

NESHAN_API_KEY=your neshan api key


To use the package, you need an API key. To get that you should have a Neshan account. Register and get your API key.
Use NeshanFacade on top of your controller or wherever you want:

use EhsanCoder\NeshanLaravel\NeshanFacade;

all APIs of Neshan exist in this Facade! for example to use distanceMatrix API we can use:

$response = EhsanCoder\NeshanLaravel\NeshanFacade::distanceMatrix($origins, $destinations, $type, $timeout = 10);

for Example

$response = EhsanCoder\NeshanLaravel\NeshanFacade::distanceMatrix('36.279589071020425,50.00901454609652','38.279589071020425,51.00901454609652', EhsanCoder\NeshanLaravel\NeshanAPI::DISTANCE_MATRIX_CAR_TYPE);
