This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.
There is no license information available for the latest version (v0.1.5) of this package.

Web Application Installer

v0.1.5 2016-06-08 11:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-02-22 01:53:49 UTC


Web application installer


In your entry file (eg. index.php) add statements like below to get this work.


// index.php
// mark file and line to clean
Wai::mark(__FILE__, $lineStart = 6, $lineEnd = 62);

// configuration
$config = [
    // current version
    'version'      => '0.1.0',
    // used for saving installed version and schema, ensure this directory is writable
    'workingDir'   => 'tmp/',
    // schema directory that contains every schema that need to be installed
    // filename should be prefixed by ordered number
    'schemaDir'    => 'app/schema/',
    // argument for constructing PDO class
    'database'     => [
        // dsn, string, without database name
        'dsn'      => 'mysql:host=',
        // username, string
        'username' => 'root',
        // password, string
        'password' => null,
        // options, array
        'options'  => [],
        // database name
        'dbname'   => 'test_wai',
        // drop db first
        'dropdb'   => false,

// check if current version is same as installed version
if (Wai::isNotInstalled()) {

	// not installed, install it
	// you can pass array of callback that will be execute
	// before and after database procedure called
    $dir = __DIR__;
    $callbacksBefore = [
        function() use ($dir) {
            chmod($dir.'/tmp', 0777);
        function() {
            // other statements to do
    $callbacksAfter = [
        function() {
            // other statements to do
    Wai::handleInstallation($callbacksBefore, $callbacksAfter);

// catch result
// $result = Wai::result();

// or write result and exit