PHP Prowl package

dev-psr/develop 2013-05-01 16:57 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-11 12:29:09 UTC


Build Status

Simple Independent PHP Prowl package

Version: 1.0.0

Prowl is the Growl client for iOS. Push to your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad notifications from a Mac or Windows computer, or from a multitude of apps and services. Easily integrate the Prowl API into your applications. Visit Prowl app for more information.


php >= 5.3.0 and curl


Via Composer

To install Prowl-PRS with composer you create a composer.json in your project root and add:

    "require": {
        "egersdorfer/prowl": "dev-psr/develop"

then run

$ wget -nc
$ php composer.phar install

You should now have Prowl installed in vendor/Egersdorfer/Prowl

Include the autoload file in your project. (vendor/autoload.php)

More info can be found at


Example A:

	require "vendor/autoload.php";

	$conf = array(
		'application' => 'testApp',
		'key' => '1234567890123456789012345678901234567890', // Enter your key from prowlApp here.
		'failOnNotAuthorized' => false,
		'subject' => 'testing a',
		'message' => 'testing one two three',
		'action' => '',
		'priority' => 2

	$p = new \Prowl\Prowl($conf);

Example B:

	require "vendor/autoload.php";

	$p = new Prowl\Prowl();
	$p->setSubject('testing b');
	$p->setMessage('test b');


####$setAction() Sets an action url that can be called from prowl on your phone.

####setApplication() Sets the application name.

####setDebug() Turns curl verbose mode on.

####setFailOnNotAuthorized() If the api key used is not authorised throw an error.

####setKey() Sets the api key to use, can also take an array or keys eg: array(key1, key2, key3).

####setMessage() Sets the message.

####setPriority() Set the message priority.

####setUrl() Sets the url, should never this this.

####setSubject() Sets the message subject.

####push() Pushes the message to your device, you can enter the message here as well: $p->push('a message');

Please fork and push updates, files should follow PSR standards.