
The Effectra Config package.

v1.0.0 2023-06-19 10:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-18 14:24:15 UTC


The Effectra\Config library provides a set of classes and interfaces for managing and working with configuration settings in PHP applications.


  • Configuration file handling: Read and manipulate configuration settings stored in files.
  • Driver configuration: Define and manage driver-related settings such as host, port, username, and password.
  • Cookie configuration: Create and manage HTTP cookies with various attributes.
  • Editor configuration: Parse and retrieve settings from EditorConfig files.


Install the library using Composer:

composer require effectra/config


  1. Include the necessary classes or interfaces in your PHP files:
use Effectra\Config\ConfigFile;
use Effectra\Config\ConfigDriver;
use Effectra\Config\ConfigCookie;
use Effectra\Config\ConfigEditor;
  1. Use the provided classes to handle configuration settings based on your application's requirements.

Example 1: Reading and Manipulating Configuration Files

use Effectra\Config\ConfigFile;

// Create a ConfigFile instance with the path to your configuration file
$configFile = new ConfigFile('/path/to/config.ini');

// Read the configuration settings from the file
$config = $configFile->read();

// Access specific sections and settings
$databaseConfig = $configFile->getSection('database');
$host = $databaseConfig['host'];
$username = $databaseConfig['username'];

// Modify a setting and write the changes back to the file
$config['app']['debug'] = true;

Example 2: Creating and Managing ConfigDriver

use Effectra\Config\ConfigDriver;

// Create a ConfigDriver instance with initial settings
$driver = new ConfigDriver('mysql', 'localhost', 3306, 'username', 'password');

// Get the current driver details
$driverName = $driver->getDriver();
$host = $driver->getHost();

// Update the driver settings
$driver = $driver->withHost('newhost')->withPort(8888);

// Get the updated driver details
$newHost = $driver->getHost();
$newPort = $driver->getPort();

Example 3: Creating and Modifying ConfigCookie

use Effectra\Config\ConfigCookie;

// Create a ConfigCookie instance with initial attributes
$cookie = new ConfigCookie('session', 'abc123', 3600, '/', 'example.com', true, true);

// Get the cookie attributes
$name = $cookie->getName();
$secure = $cookie->getSecure();

// Create a new cookie instance with updated attributes
$newCookie = $cookie->withExpireOrOptions(7200)->withSecure(false);

// Get the updated cookie attributes
$newExpire = $newCookie->getExpireOrOptions();
$newSecure = $newCookie->getSecure();

Example 4: Parsing EditorConfig File

use Effectra\Config\ConfigEditor;

// Create a ConfigEditor instance with the path to an EditorConfig file
$editorConfig = new ConfigEditor('/path/to/.editorconfig');

// Get the root value from the EditorConfig file
$root = $editorConfig->getRoot();

// Get the indent_size and end_of_line settings
$indentSize = $editorConfig->getIndentSize();
$endOfLine = $editorConfig->getEndOfLine();

// Check if a charset setting is defined
if ($editorConfig->hasSection('charset')) {
    $charsetSettings = $editorConfig->getSection('charset');
    // Process the charset settings
} else {
    // Handle the case when charset settings are not present

Feel free to adjust the examples according to your specific needs and use cases.


Contributions are welcome! Fork the repository, make your enhancements, and submit a pull request.


This library is licensed under the MIT License.


The Effectra\Config library is developed and maintained by [Effectra].

Feel free to update and customize the content based on your specific library details. Don't forget to replace [link-to-documentation] and [Effectra] with appropriate links and information.