
Simple File uploading library capable of handling multiple file uploads

1.0.0 2021-03-05 08:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-08 10:48:47 UTC


Simple File uploading library capable of handling multiple file uploads

Installing Add file to Composer.json file:

  "require": {
    "eeshiro/file-upload": "~1.0.0"


composer require eeshiro/file-upload


require './vendor/autoload.php';

$upload = new FileUpload;
$single_file = $upload->validate('single_file', 'Single File')

$multiple_file= $upload->validate('multiple_file', 'Multiple File')
				->max_size(2, 'MB')

	echo $upload->get_errors('<br>');

$upload->move_uploaded_file($single_file, 'directory/filename.txt');

foreach ($multiple_file as $key => $file) {
	$upload->move_uploaded_file($file, 'directory/'.$file['name']);

Rules and Methods Reference

Rule Parameter Description Example
require No Returns FALSE if the form element is empty.
single No Returns FALSE if file upload type multiple.
multiple No Returns FALSE if file upload type single.
max_file Yes Returns FALSE if file count is greater than maximum number of files specified. max_file(5)
min_file Yes Returns FALSE if file count is less than minimum number of files specified. min_file(2)
image No Returns FALSE if uploaded file is not an image.
exist Yes Returns FALSE if file already exist on the directory. exist(directory)
min_size Yes Returns FALSE file size is under the minimum size specified. Parameter 1 : size (Integer). Parameter 2 : size Type (String) Available size type (KB, MB, GB, TB) min_size(2, 'MB')
max_size Yes Returns FALSE if file exceeds the maximum size specified. Parameter 1 : size (Integer). Parameter 2 : size Type (String) Available size type (KB, MB, GB, TB) min_size(2, 'MB')
valid_format Yes Returns FALSE if file format is not in the list specified. Parameter 1 : file type list (Array) valid_format(['jpg', 'png', 'gif'])
move Yes Moves the validated file to the directory specified. Returns TRUE if successfully saved, FALSE if not. Parameter 1 : directory (String). Parameter 2 : use original filename (Boolean) (true if retain, false if not). move('directory/filename.txt', false)
get No Returns the file validated.
has_error Yes Returns TRUE if validation has error. Parameter 1: file index / file field name (String). NOT REQUIRED.
error_count Yes Returns NUMBER of errors on validation. Parameter 1: file index / file field name (String). NOT REQUIRED.
get_errors Yes Return validation errors. Parameter 1: glue (String) (If NULL returns array of errors). Parameter 1: file index / file field name (String) (NOT required). get_errors('
move_uploaded_file Yes Moves the file to the directory specified. Parameter 1 : File from get method (Array). Parameter 2 : File directory. move_uploaded_file($file, 'directory/'.$file['name'])