
PHP library for collecting metrics.

1.0.0-alpha2 2018-08-14 14:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-23 02:59:07 UTC


Build Status Coverage Status

Metrics Collector


The Metrics Collector is a simple library that provides base classes to easily extend and collect custom metrics.


This library does not provide any metrics by default. To create new metrics, create a Composer package and then add a dependency to this package:

composer require edisonlabs/metrics

Now create the metrics classes extending edisonlabs/metrics classes.

Example: Number of PHP files.

// src/EdisonLabs/Metric/NumberOfPhpFiles.php

namespace EdisonLabs\Metric;

use EdisonLabs\Metrics\Metric\AbstractMetricBase;

class NumberOfPhpFiles extends AbstractMetricBase
    public function getName()
        return 'Number of PHP files';

    public function getDescription()
        return 'The total number of PHP files';

    public function getMetric()
        // Put the logic to calculate the total of PHP files here.
        // ..

        // Random example.
        return rand(10, 50);

Configure the autoload in composer.json:

"autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
        "EdisonLabs\\Metric\\": "src/EdisonLabs/Metric"

Re-create the Composer autoloader:

composer dump-autoload

Collecting metrics

There are two ways to collect the metrics: programmatically and by command-line.


// collector.php

use EdisonLabs\Metrics\Collector;

$date = strtotime('now');
$config = array();

$collector = new Collector($date, $config);
$metrics = $collector->getMetrics();


The command is located at vendor/bin/metrics. Include the vendor/bin directory in the system $PATH to run this command from anywhere.

Type metrics --help to see all the available options.

Saving metrics

Create datastore classes to save your metrics:

// src/EdisonLabs/Metric/Datastore/SqLite.php

namespace EdisonLabs\Metric\Datastore;

use EdisonLabs\Metrics\Metric\Datastore\AbstractMetricDatastore;

class SqLite extends AbstractMetricDatastore
    public function getName()
        return 'SQLite';

    public function getDescription()
        return 'Stores metrics to SQLite';

    public function save()
        $metrics = $this->getMetrics();

        // Put your logic to store the metrics to SQLite here.
        return true;


// datastore.php

use EdisonLabs\Metrics\Collector;
use EdisonLabs\Metrics\DatastoreHandler;

$date = strtotime('now');
$config = array();

$collector = new Collector($date, $config);
$metrics = $collector->getMetrics();

$datastoreHandler = new DatastoreHandler($date, $config);
$datastore = $datastoreHandler->getDatastoreByName('SQLite');


Use the option --save to list and save your metrics.

metrics --save=SQLite

The --save option accepts multiple values.

metrics --save=SQLite,MySql,MyCustomDatastore