
Locking library for acquiring exclusive locks.

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

v1.0.0 2016-02-10 13:41 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2019-08-28 19:07:57 UTC



Run only in one instance, do not wait for lock to become available:

$lock = new \EdgarPE\Lock\Lock(__FILE__);
if ($lock->acquire(false)) {
    echo posix_getpid(), "\n";

Wait for lock to become available:

$lock = new \EdgarPE\Lock\Lock(__FILE__);
if ($lock->acquire(true)) {
    echo posix_getpid(), "\n";

Synchronized PHP callable, something similar like Java synchronized methods:

$lock = new \EdgarPE\Lock\Lock(__FILE__);
$pid = $lock->synchronized(function () {
    return posix_getpid();
echo $pid, "\n";