
powerormfake generates dummy data when using PowerOrm. An extension of Faker library

v1.1.0 2017-07-04 06:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 03:56:39 UTC


PowerOrmFake is an extension of Faker library that generates fake data for the PowerOrm Library. Its depends on Faker Library


composer require eddmash/powerormfaker

Populating Models

PowerOrmFaker eases the population of databases through the Model classes provided by PowerOrm library.

To populate models, create a new populator class (using a generator instance as parameter), then list the class and number of all the models that must be generated.

To launch the actual data population, call the execute() method.

Here is an example showing how to populate 5 Author and 10 Book objects:

$generator = \Faker\Factory::create();
$populator = new Eddmash\PowerOrmFaker\Populator($generator);
$populator->addModel(new Author, 5);
$populator->addModel(new Book, 10);
$insertedPKs = $populator->execute();

The populator uses name and column type guessers to populate each column with relevant data. For instance, Faker populates a column named first_name using the firstName formatter, and a column with a TIMESTAMP type using the dateTime formatter. The resulting models are therefore coherent.

If Faker misinterprets a column name, you can still specify a custom closure to be used for populating a particular column, using the third argument to addModel():

$populator->addModel('Book', 5, array(
  'ISBN' => function() use ($generator) { return $generator->ean13(); }

In this example, Faker will guess a formatter for all columns except ISBN, for which the given anonymous function will be used.

Tip: To ignore some columns, specify null for the column names in the third argument of addModel(). This is usually necessary for columns added by a behavior:

$populator->addModel('Book', 5, array(
  'CreatedAt' => null,
  'UpdatedAt' => null,

Of course, Faker does not populate autoincremented primary keys. In addition, Eddmash\PowerOrmFaker\Populator::execute() returns the list of inserted PKs, indexed by class:

// array(
//   'Author' => (34, 35, 36, 37, 38),
//   'Book'   => (456, 457, 458, 459, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475)
// )

In the previous example, the Book and Author models share a relationship. Since Author models are populated first, Faker is smart enough to relate the populated Book models to one of the populated Author models.

Lastly, if you want to execute an arbitrary function on an entity before insertion, use the fourth argument of the addModel() method:

$populator->addModel('Book', 5, array(), array(
  function($book) { $book->publish(); },