
Create a CSV file with PHP array.

v1.3.0 2024-12-14 15:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 14:48:06 UTC


Create a CSV file with PHP array.



To install csv-table-generator with Composer just run :

$ composer require ecommit/csv-table-generator


use Ecommit\CsvTableGenerator\Csv;

$csv = new Csv('/home/test', 'myfilename', array(
    'header' => array(
        'Column A',
        'Column B',

$csv->write(array('Hello', 'world')); //Add line
$csv->write(array('Test1', 'Test2')); //Add line

/home/test/myfilename.csv is generated :

"Column A","Column B"

Constructor arguments :

  • String $pathDir : Path folder (when CSV file is generated) Required
  • String $filename : Filename (without path folder and extension) Required
  • Array $options : Options. See below

Availabled options :

  • header (array) : Header array. If empty, no header. Default: array()
  • max_lines (null | int) : Max lines per CSV file. If lines > max_lines, many files are generated. Default: null
  • delimiter (string) : CSV delimiter. Default: ,
  • enclosure (string) : CSV enclosure. Default: "
  • eol (string - Csv::EOL_ constants) : EOF(End Of Line) character. See Csv::EOL_ constants. Default: Csv::EOL_LF. If Csv::EOL_CRLF is used with PHP ≤ 8.1, unix2dos program is required
  • escape : CSV escape. Default: \
  • unix2dos_path (string) : Unix2dos path. Only used if eol=Csv::EOL_CRLF with PHP ≤ 8.1. Default: /usr/bin/unix2dos
  • add_utf8_bom (bool) : Add or not UTF8 bom. Default: false


This librairy is under the MIT license. See the complete license in LICENSE file.