
Add Layout update xml for magento 2

1.0.2 2024-04-09 10:59 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-25 21:16:46 UTC


This simple module adds a new layout update XML for a handler, allowing you to update layout XML directly in the backend without updating code. It allows you to add XML to update the layout of any pages that you would like based on the handler of the page. It will not affect other pages.


Require the module

composer require eboosttech/magento2-layoutupdate

Enable the module

php bin/magento module:enable EBoost_LayoutUpdate

Run setup to install module and set up table(s)

php bin/magento setup:upgrade


After the extension has been installed. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Eboost > Custom Layout Update XML then click Add new button to create XML layout

Layout Update XML Menu Screenshot Layout Update XML Add New Button Screenshot

  1. Enter data for the form

***Note: If you don't know what is a handler. Please follow the document below to get it ***

Layout Update XML Add New Form Screenshot

  1. Save and clear cache

  2. Go to Frontend to see result

How to see a handle of a page

***Note: it should be used on dev/staging servers. ***

  1. Go to menu Eboost > Debug Configuration

  1. Open Debug section

  2. Change value of Enable Layout Debugging Dump On Storefront to Yes

  1. Go to Frontend

  2. Go to the page that you want to get the handle

  3. Click x button on bottom right conner

  1. All handles will be shown in Handles section

Bugs/Feature Requests & Contribution

Please do open a pull request on GitHub should you want to contribute, or create an issue.


BSD-4-Clause - Do as you wish 👍

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