
Implementation of Cookie Consent v3 cookie usage warner as Yii2 widget

1.0.0-alpha.6 2018-02-12 17:50 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-26 03:59:32 UTC


Implementation of Cookie Consent v3 cookie usage warner as Yii2 widget

Thanks to insites



composer require easyrider7522/yii2-cookieconsent "@alpha"

or manually add to the required section of your project's composer.json

"easyrider7522/yii2-cookieconsent": "@alpha"

and run composer update shell command

Since it's a pre-release (currently in alpha state) stability flag @alpha must be used with the package (as you can see above) in order to be able to install it without changing minimum-stability property of the composer.json, which is global for your whole project.


As any Yii2 widget, in desired view or layout file as follows:

use easyrider7522\cookieconsent\CookieConsent;

    'lang'      => 'en',
    'options'   => [
        'palette'   => [
            'popup'     => [
                'background'    => '#222',
                'text'          => '#fff',
            'button'    => [
                'background'    => '#459f45',
                'text'          => '#fff',
        'theme'     => 'classic',
        'position'  => 'top',
        'type'      => 'opt-in',
        'content'   => [
            'message'   => 'This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.',
            'dismiss'   => 'Got it!',
            'link'      => 'Learn more',
            'href'      => 'http://cookiesandyou.com/',

Customization can be easily done on the plugin developer's site and manually translated to PHP array.

Plugin settings object within JS

Property optionJs was introduced for compatibility with native JS so, the chosen settings can be directly copied from the interactive configurator to it as string, containing the JavaScript object data (options property is ignored if optionsJs evaluates to true):

    'optionsJs' => '{
        "palette": {
            "popup": {
                "background": "#000"
            "button": {
                "background": "#f1d600"
        "position": "top"


composer remove easyrider7522/yii2-cookieconsent

or manually delete it from the required section of your project's composer.json and run composer update


Cookie Consent


Sample 1. Widget is overlapping Yii's default main menu ot the top of the page.

Cookie Consent Yii2 widget sample 1

Sample 2. Widget is at the bottom of the page.

Cookie Consent Yii2 widget sample 2

Sample 3. Widget is a box at page's bottom-right corner.

Cookie Consent Yii2 widget sample 3