
Wrapper to access Exif and IPTC data from an image

v1.0.0 2020-06-09 08:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-21 21:04:25 UTC


Wrapper to access Exif and IPTC data from an image.


Installation is quite typical - with composer:

composer require easygithdev/imgmeta

How to use

Include the autoload, if you need.


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use ImgMeta\ImgData;

Define a stream. The stream is a file, a base64 string or an Url :

$stream = 'image.jpg';
$stream = '....';
$stream = 'http://domain/image.jpg';

Accessing to all the metas like this :

$imgData = new ImgData();
$metas = $imgData->read($stream)->getMetas();

Fetching the EXIF or IPTC tags :


Or you can use the quick acces :

(new ImgData())->read($stream)->exif('Copyright');
(new ImgData())->read($stream)->iptc('City');

Working with EXIF only

Get all the datas :

$imgData = new ImgData();
$exifManager = $imgData->createExifManager();

Fetch one tag :


Or :


For example to fetch the GPS informations :

$latitude = $exifManager->fetch('GPSLatitude');
$longitude = $exifManager->fetch('GPSLongitude');

Using helper to get the GPS infos :


Working with IPTC only

$imgData = new ImgData();
$iptcManager = $imgData->createIptcManager();

Get IPTC default format :


Get IPTC by Key :


Get IPTC by Name :


Get IPTC by name with all keys :

$iptcManager->getAssocMetas(IptcManager::META_BY_NAME, true);

Fetch one tag, datas are flatten :


Fetch one tag, datas are originals :



This project is licensed under GNU license - see the LICENSE file for deta