
EasyGD - a PHP framework for use GD easier

v1.0.1 2020-06-21 09:51 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-23 16:59:57 UTC


EasyGD is a PHP framework to use GD easier
The frame allows you to easily load images from a file, URL or string.
After loading the image, you can apply transformations.
You can then choose to save the result as a file, either to return a character string, or to send the image directly to the browser.


Installation is quite typical - with composer:

composer require easygithdev/easygd

The header script

You will need to include the autoloader before using the classes.


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Easygd\Image;

The basic stuff

In all the examples that follow, the $stream variable is either a URL or a file or a character string.
For example, you can use the PHP logo with the following URL:

$stream = 'https://www.php.net/images/logos/new-php-logo.png';

PHP Logo

How to load and show an image

In this case, the stream is directly sent to the browser.

(new Image())->load($stream)->show();

How to load and render an image in a HTML tag

You can use the data src property to render the image in the HTML tag.
Use it only on small image, if you dont want that your HTML page becommes to big.

<img src="<?php echo (new Image())->load($stream)->src() ?>" />

How to load and save an image on disk

In this case, the stream is saved to the browser.

(new Image())->load($stream)->save('php.png');

How to load, save and show an image in the same time

(new Image())->load($stream)->save('php.png')->show();

How to make multiple save

(new Image())->load($stream)->save('php.png')

The other types

Define a dimension

$dimension = (new Dimension())->create(300, 300);

Define a color

// Create a color with hexadecimal code
$color = (new Color())->create('#83d01e');

// OR create a color from a preset
$color = (new Color())->create(Color::Yellow);

// OR create a preseted color 
$color = Color::Yellow();

Define a position

$position = (new Position())->create(200, 125);

Define a text

$text = (new Text())->create('Hello World');

Create your own images

How to create a truetype image

(new Image())->create($dimension, $color)->show();

Adding text in the images

How to draw a text into an image

(new Image)->create((new Dimension)->create(300, 300), Color::Blue())
(new Text())->create('Hello World')
    ->setPosition((new Position)->create(200, 125))

How to draw a string vertically into an image

(new Image())->create((new Dimension())->create(200, 200))->addText(
	(new Text())->create('gd library')
	->setPosition((new Position())->create(40, 100))

How to apply an alpha color to a text into an image

(new Image)->create((new Dimension())->create(300, 300), Color::White())->addText(
	(new Text())->create('Alpha Color')
		(new Color())->create('#FF0000')->setAlpha(95)
	->setPosition((new Position())->create(55, 35))

How to mix "GD text", "TrueType text", "FreeType text" into an image

(new Image())->create((new Dimension())->create(300, 300), (new Color())->create('#f2f2f2'))
	(new Text())->create('True Type')
		->setFontfile(Text::TEXT_UNIX_FONT_PATH . '/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf')
		->setPosition((new Position())->create(100, 100))
	(new Text())->create('Hello ' . PHP_EOL . 'Free Type')
		->setFontfile(Text::TEXT_UNIX_FONT_PATH . '/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf')
		->setPosition((new Position())->create(100, 175))
	(new Text())->create('hello world')
		->setPosition((new Position())->create(98, 173))

Get the informations

How to get the information about an image

$infos = (new Image())->load($stream)->getInfos();
echo '<pre>', $infos, '</pre>';

$infos = (new Image())->load($stream)->getInfos()->toArray();
echo '<pre>', print_r($infos, true), '</pre>'; 

How to have the preseted positions

$image = (new Image())->load($stream);

echo 'TOP_LEFT:', $image->topLeft(), '<br/>';
echo 'TOP_CENTER:', $image->topCenter(), '<br/>';
echo 'TOP_RIGHT:', $image->topRight(), '<br/>';
echo 'MIDDLE_LEFT', $image->middleLeft(), '<br/>';
echo 'MIDDLE_CENTER', $image->middleCenter(), '<br/>';
echo 'MIDDLE_RIGHT', $image->middleRight(), '<br/>';
echo 'BOTTOM_LEFT', $image->bottomLeft(), '<br/>';
echo 'BOTTOM_CENTER', $image->bottomeCenter(), '<br/>';
echo 'BOTTOM_RIGHT', $image->bottomRight(), '<br/>';

It will return an object Position ...

How to get / add the IPTC tag

Remember IPTC work with JPEG files.

(new Image())->load($stream)->setType(IMG_JPEG)->save('iptc.jpg');

$fileSrc = __DIR__ . '/iptc.jpg';
$fileDst = __DIR__ . '/iptc2.jpg';

$iptc = (new Iptc())->create($fileSrc, null);
$iptc->addTag(Iptc::IPTC_CITY, 'CHEVERNY')
    ->addTag(Iptc::IPTC_COUNTRY, 'FRANCE')
    ->addTag(Iptc::IPTC_CREATED_DATE, '2012-03-01')
    ->addTag(Iptc::IPTC_CATEGORY, 'JOURNEY');

if ($iptc->write($fileDst) === false) {
    throw new Exception('Error to write IPTC');
echo '<pre>', (new Image())->load($fileDst)->getInfos(), '</pre>';

Resizing the images

How to resize an image

(new Image)->load($stream)

How to resize an image by fixing the width or height

(new Image)->load($stream)

(new Image)->load($stream)

How to safetly resize an image

(new Image)->load($stream)
->resizeAuto((new Dimension())->create(300, 200))

How to make a thumbnail

(new Image)->load($stream)
->thumbnail(140, Color::Silver())

Croping and Rotation

How to crop an image

(new Image)->load($stream)
->crop((new Position)->create(20, 13), (new Dimension())->create(80, 40))

How to make a rotation

(new Image)->load($stream)

Merging two images

How to insert a logo into an image

$logo = (new Image)->load('http://www.php.net/images/logos/php-med-trans-light.gif')

(new Image)->load('http://static.php.net/www.php.net/images/logos/php-med-trans.png')
->inlay($logo, (new Position)->create(30, 20), 100)

Make thumbnails

Here you can find an example to, easyly, generate some thumbnails.

$text = (new Text)->create('Copyright (C) 2020 Your Name')
	->setFontfile(Text::TEXT_UNIX_FONT_PATH . '/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf')
	->setPosition((new Position())->create(40, 190));

$path = __DIR__ . '/images/original/';

foreach (new ImageFilterIterator(new DirectoryIterator($path)) as $file) {

	if (($image = (new Image)->load($file->getPathname())) === false) {

	$thumb1 = $image->thumbnail(100)->src();
	$thumb2 = $image->thumbnail(200)->addText($text)->src();
	$thumb3 = $image->thumbnail(400)->src();

	<img src="<?php echo $thumb1 ?>" />
	<img src="<?php echo $thumb2 ?>" />
	<img src="<?php echo $thumb3 ?>" />
	<br />


Using all the filters with the factory

You can use filters with a common syntax. The factory, use the three types of filters :


You ca use this way to call, preset/convolution/lookuptable filters like this :

// Preset filters
$src1 = Filter::negate()->process((new Image())->load($stream))->src();

// Convolution filters
$src2 = Filter::emboss()->process((new Image())->load($stream))->src();

// LookupTable filters
$src3 = Filter::thresholding()->process((new Image())->load($stream))->src();

Using the preset filter

You can use :


How to create and apply a preset filter

(new PresetFilter())->create(PresetFunctions::negate())->process((new Image())->load($stream))->show();

Using the convolution filter

You can use preseted convolution or your own convolution filters.

How to use a preseted convolution

(new ConvolutionFilter())->create(ConvolutionFunctions::CONVOLUTION_GAUSSIAN())->process((new Image())->load($stream))->show();

How to use your own convolution

$matrix = [
-1, 7, -1,
0, 0, 0,
1, 7, 1

$convolution = (new Convolution())->create($matrix);;
$dataSrc = (new ConvolutionFilter())->create($convolution)->process((new Image())->load($stream))->src();

Using the lookuptable filter

You can use preseted lookuptable or your own lookuptable filters.

How to use a preseted lookuptable

$closure = \Closure::fromCallable([new LookupTableFunctions(), 'LightnessGray']),
(new LookUpTableFilter())->create((new LookUpTable())->create($closure))->process((new Image())->load($stream))->src();

To create a new lookuptable filter, you must create a callback method like this :

function personnal($rgb)
$r = ($rgb['red'] > 128) ? 255 : 128;
$g = ($rgb['green'] > 128) ? 255 : 128;
$b = ($rgb['blue'] > 128) ? 255 : 128;
return [$r, $g, $b];

$closure = \Closure::fromCallable('personnal');
$lut = (new LookUpTableFilter())->create((new LookUpTable())->create($closure))->process((new Image())->load($stream))->src();


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details