
Silex Service Provider for RabbitMQ with Symfony Event forwarding

1.0.2 2015-04-20 17:27 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-16 19:09:05 UTC



This service provider expands fiunchinho/rabbitmq-service-provider with further functionality:

  • forwarding of serializable events to RabbitMQ
  • command to run fabric setup based on RabbitMqBundle


In addition to the standard configuration you can specify a list of Symfony Event names in rabbit.forward.events which will be published on the producer with the name in rabbit.forward.producer. These events must inherit from EasyBib\Silex\RabbitMq\SerializableEvent.

Example configuration

$app->register(new RabbitMqServiceProvider(), [
    'rabbit.connections' => [
        'default' => [
            'host'      => 'localhost',
            'port'      => 5672,
            'user'      => 'guest',
            'password'  => 'guest',
            'vhost'     => '/'
        'another' => [
            'host'      => 'another_host',
            'port'      => 5672,
            'user'      => 'guest',
            'password'  => 'guest',
            'vhost'     => '/'
    'rabbit.producers' => [
        'first_producer' => [
            'connection'        => 'another',
            'exchange_options'  => ['name' => 'a_exchange', 'type' => 'topic']
        'second_producer' => [
            'connection'        => 'default',
            'exchange_options'  => ['name' => 'a_exchange', 'type' => 'topic']
    'rabbit.consumers' => [
        'a_consumer' => [
            'connection'        => 'default',
            'exchange_options'  => ['name' => 'a_exchange','type' => 'topic'],
            'queue_options'     => ['name' => 'a_queue', 'routing_keys' => ['foo.#']],
            'callback'          => 'your_consumer_service'
    'rabbit.forward.events' => [
    'rabbit.forward.producer' => 'first_producer',