Packages from easeappphp

  • PHP


    EACliRouter is a Simple Request Router, that uses plain Multi-dimensional Arrays of Routes, to handle both Static & Dynamic Routes for PHP based CLI Applications, Cron jobs & Message queue worker setups.

  • PHP


    A very simple and safe PHP library that provides wrapper methods to handle encryption, decryption along with authentication in both symmetric & asymmetric modes for both text content and files appropriately. This library is based upon Halite library from Paragonie Initiative Enterprises.

  • PHP


    Async Easeapp PHP framework from the ground-up, based upon Amphp HTTP server

  • PHP


    EARouter is a Simple Request Router, that uses plain Multi-dimensional Arrays of Routes, to handle both Static & Dynamic Routes for PHP based Web Applications & Web Service implementations.

  • JavaScript


    EABlueprint is the application that can be used to create either MVC or API Application.

  • PHP


    EaseApp is a PHP based Micro Framework, that can be helpful in writing both Web Applications and REST APIs in a simple and easier way.

  • PHP


    A very simple and safe PHP library that provides methods to handle HMAC in applications.

  • PHP


    This is to do json_decode operation only on valid json string and in a highly performing way.

  • PHP


    A very simple and safe PHP library to execute PDO based database queries. Methods are provided to prepare a SQL Statement & it's execution separately as different methods (to facilitate caching of prepared statements) as well as together in a single method too.