
dev-master 2020-11-02 08:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 05:08:43 UTC


Moments is a small, young framework for building web applications. The focus is on less magic (no second code parser to figure out pseudo annotations), simplicity (no complex configurations if you don't need it) and a less-is-more approach: stuff is not tied too tightly into specifics of a framework.


If you're interested, you're welcome! Easiest ways:

  • fork and do a pull request
  • create a bundle with your functionality
  • blog about the framework :)

Please check how the coding style is (close to PSR-2, without the stupid things like the spaces instead of tabs). Please ensure your editor is configured to touch only lines you actually touched (no "kill all spaces and reformat the whole file" things). Do clean commits (one commit per functionality)!

Basic usage


There's only one important/not-common term important: moment. A moment equals basically the page request itself and handles "everything". It also is the container where you can get the services from.


Just run:

composer require e7o/moments

This will modify/create your composer.json, create some scripts, place some general template so you can start and adds a routing. Do your small homework (like creating a .gitignore for vendor/ and so) and just go ahead. Don'T forget to check the created config file, as there might be some example entries you don't need or want, as they'll consume a little bit of CPU time (like the HTML formatter).

For now you might have to add a composer.json with this before when you're seeing an error about minimum-stability:

	"minimum-stability": "dev"

Setup PHP dev server

Execute in your project directory:

php -S localhost:8000

Now it's ready to run on http://localhost:8000/public/. If you're developing a webservice and the client won't connect, check nestatat if it bound to IPv6 only, this seems to be an issue in some cases (like on MacOS).

If you really wanna abuse this server for production or debugging purposes in a team environment, check the env variable PHP_CLI_SERVER_WORKERS.

Setup in nginx

This is the approach you can go:

location ~ /your-project/assets/(?<loc>.+) {
		try_files $uri /your-project/public/assets/$loc;
location /your-project {
		try_files $uri /your-project/public/index.php;

This is an example configuration for dev purposes, for production you should use location /, of course.

If you're getting an error, check, if you have configured this:

fastcgi_param  REQUEST_URI        $request_uri;
fastcgi_param  DOCUMENT_URI       $document_uri;

There are some more, but usually there's a predefined config you or your operating systems package manager is putting there.

Btw, if this variables are available and filled, it might be, that other servers will work as well.

Setup in Apache

Enable mod_rewrite by a2enmod rewrite. Either put this into your .htaccess (remember that AllowOverride None is a no-go in this case) or into the configuration file:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/your-project/assets/(.*)$ /your-project/public/assets/$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^/your-project/(.*)$ /your-project/public/index.php

Same as for nginx: Remove your-project/ for production.

Functionality - some documentation

Might not be completed or the best explanation yet. Also, don't forget to check the docblock comments of classes/methods before calling, they contain useful information as well. Some day that stuff will be collected in one place, but until then ...

Data directories

For files and directories just used for storing data, you can specify in config/files.json an automatic creation and chmodding:

		"type": "directory",
		"name": "data",
		"chmod": "0766"
		"type": "file",
		"name": "logfile.txt",
		"chmod": "0123",
		"chown": "www-data"
		"type": "file",
		"name": "data.sqlite",
		"copy": "bin/database-template.sqlite"

It will not overwrite or delete existing files/directories. It will, however, change the access rights, so you can commit some contents to your repository and still ensure it's writeable. However, it might be, that you have to be root for the chown operation.


See docblock on \e7o\Moments\Request\Routers\SimpleRouter and the examples in config/default.json.


Moments is using Morosity.

Some important variables:

  • {{ $.meta }} - all the important ressource and meta tag inclusion you don't want to care about.
  • {{ $.assets }} - the path to where your personal assets (from public dir) are placed.
  • {{ $.route }} - information about the current route. Especially {{ $.route.requesturi }} is interesting for form actions etc.

To build a route in template, you can use the route function:

{{ route('settings') }}


Moments has a build-in authentication support, which you just have to fill with a connector to your user database or whatever. Feel free to put credentials in a ActiveDirectory or just in a simple text file.

Btw, nobody is stopping you from ignoring this functionality and do your own checks on top of every controller action, if that's a legit use case.

Important: You cannot combine the different methods (you can, somehow, but it's neither useful nor officially supported).

isAllowed() method

If you extend from MomentsController (or, even better, from a YourProjectController, which is extending from MomentsController), you can just overwrite this method for a pretty basic check possibility (getRoute() and getRequest() are available at this time):

public function isAllowed()
	return true;

Depending on the return value, there'll be different actions possible.

  • true will just allow the request.
  • a Response will just output the response like in every other controller action.
  • a string response will take this route instead. This could be your login form which sets a cookie you're checking in the method.
  • every other return value -- false is recommended -- will produce an error.

Authenticator class

Create a service called authenticator. This has the advantage of being available in every controller.

"authenticator": {
	"class": "\\ACME\\YourProject\\Core\\Authenticator",
	"args": ["@moment"]

You can extend from the MomentsAuthenticator:

use \e7o\Moments\Request\Authentication\Authenticator as MomentsAuthenticator;

See SimpleConfigAuthenticator and SimpleDatabaseAuthenticator for example implementations. You can also extend from them -- or just throw one of them into the service config if the defaults fit your needs (check the security they're providing, it's not the highest standard).

You don't have to implement everything, if you don't need a getCurrentUser() (because you do not differentiate), you can just ignore this one. Just overwrite everything you need.

As you do have the $route parameter with all the data specified in the route, you can easily add your own custom parameters to the routes (like required "user groups", check ip addresses or allow access based on the current time).

You can safely get the authenticator by calling $this->getAuthenticator() in your controller.

Building a bundle

Bundles have to use PSR-4 autoloading, but hey, you should use it anyways for a new project :) In theory, you can have more than one bundle per repository, but this isn't recommended, so users of it can be selective.

Your bundle has to have a moments-bundle.json with some valid json in it. In theory, this file could be empty, besides a {}.

You can specify some stuff, like

  • in scripts a list of plain php scripts which should do some tasks before integration. Here you can download the most recent version of a fancy JS library or so. It should be possible to write to the directories, as the script is run by composer.
  • in assets you can specify assets folders to symlink to the public directory. from is the path in your bundle, to the path in the assets directory
  • in routes some additional endpoints ...
  • include-scripts and include-styles indicate which scripts should be automatically included in the template (if the template is using $.meta). Don't forget to add the correct asset dir name, as we don't use magic here.
  • services and routes will work as in every other config file as well.
	"assets": [
			"from": "assets",
			"to": "fancy-bundle"
	"include-scripts": [
	"include-styles": [

The prepare-moments script will run after composer install, so it will integrate into the destination project at this point.

Example required? Just add e7o/moments-material-bundle. This brings you some material design related fonts into your project.


Main usecase is related to bundles. As Moments itself is a bundle as well, you can use some of the predefined example events by specifying them in your config:

"events": {
	"output:html": [

(This formatHTML uses the libxml formatting, which is kind of chaotic, so it's not recommended for production usage.)

The functions must be static, but can instantiate objects.

Otherwise, can specify them in your bundle configuration like this:

"events": {
	"output:html": [

Available events (the Moment itself will be passed in any case as first argument, but it's not listed in the following parameter lists):

  • authentication
    • authentication:failed($user) and authentication:succeeded($user) will be fired on the corresponding happening (at least as long the methods of authenticator are not overwritten (or at least called with parent::))
  • output
    • output:html (string $html):string - post-processing of your rendered template (works only there, if you return a Response object, it won't fire, as Moments doesn't know, what it produces).
  • controller
    • controller:finished($controller, $returned) - after controller was called, before output. Allows you to call addMetaTag etc.

If you specify your own events in your bundle or config, you can also call them just with $moment->callEvents($name, ...$args).

Further functionality

The following components have docblock comments explaining the functionality. At some point in time, when we're having a real documentation, it will be available there, for now please check the file directly:

  • \e7o\Moments\Output\Forms\Generator
  • \e7o\Moments\Database\Connection
  • \e7o\Moments\Output\Images\Thumbnailer
  • \e7o\Moments\Request\Routers\SimpleRouter