
Module generate codeception tests base on postman collection.

1.0.5 2021-01-08 16:59 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-17 19:54:11 UTC


Module generate tests base on Postman collection and is dedicated for Codeception framework. Generator supports GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH method's. Script overwrite AcceptanceTester class with a generated step's definition. Tests save in feature files and are based on Gherkin syntax.

How to start ?

1.Prepare collection follow by Postman collection guide
2.Install Codeception
3.Install codeception-test-generator


Export Postman collection as 2.1.0 version.
For create step with json schema matches, please add Examples in collection and fill witch response schema.Example
Use valid request url




Pay atention for naming conventionse
Please make sure, don't use special characters when named collection's.

Sample valid name some name some_name some-name some some-name-1

Validation log available: tests/_output/collection-log.json

Four steps to run

1.Install Codeception framework.
2.Install codeception-test-generator package.
3.Setup Codecepion.
4.Run test generator.

1. Preinstaled and configured codeception framework

Please follow by official Codeception framework guide.

Required packages

"codeception/module-rest": "^1.2"
"vlucas/phpdotenv": "^3.3"

2. Install codeception-test-generator


  "require-dev": {
    "dziadul/codeception-test-generator": "~1.0"
  "autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
      "CodeceptionTestsGenerator\\": "src/"
  "scripts": {
    "post-update-cmd": [

run composer update

3. Setup codeception


bootstrap: _bootstrap.php
        - Tests\_support\Command\TestCreateCommand
    - .env


actor: AcceptanceTester
        - REST:
             depends: PhpBrowser
        - \Helper\Acceptance
    step_decorators: ~  

create .env file, locate it in main project folder and setup credentials


4. Run test generator

  1. paste your's postman collection in to tests/_data/collection folder
  2. run php vendor/bin/codecept generate:feature-test
  3. run php vendor/bin/codecept run acceptance

Feature example

Example GET method without api access key

Feature: London weather.  
  As a consumer of the API, I want an API that provides with data about London weather.
  So that I can use this for my application.

  Scenario Outline: London weather.  
    Given the parameters "path_arg1:<value1>| path_arg2:<value2> | path_arg3:<value3> | city:<city>"  
    And  the header "Accept:<Accept>"  
    When I request url created from params by "GET" method 
    Then I see response status code is "200"  

      | value1    | value2    | value3     | city       |  Accept           |
      | v1        | weather   | GB         | London     |  application/json |

Example GET method with json schema matches

Feature: London weather.  
  As a consumer of the API, I want an API that provides with data about London weather.
  So that I can use this for my application.

  Scenario Outline: London weather.  
    Given the parameters "path_arg1:<value1>| path_arg2:<value2> | path_arg3:<value3> | city:<city>"  
    And  the header "Accept:<Accept>"  
    When I request url created from params by "GET" method 
    Then I see response status code is "200"  
    And the response matches "London-weather" json schema

      | value1    | value2    | value3     | city       |  Accept           |
      | v1        | weather   | GB         | London     |  application/json |

Example POST method with api access key

Feature: London weather.  
  As a consumer of the API, I want an API that provides with data about London weather.
  So that I can use this for my application.

  Scenario Outline: London weather.  
    Given the parameters "path_arg1:<value1>| path_arg2:<value2> | path_arg3:<value3> | city:<city> | date:<date>"  
    And  the header "Accept:<Accept>"  
    When I request secured url created from params by "POST" method
    Then I see response status code is "200"  

      | value1    | value2    | value3     | city       | date       |  Accept           |
      | v1        | weather   | GB         | London     | 23-03-2020 |  application/xml  |

Feel free to change value* name

Upgrade Feature by validation example

You can also add response validation rules by specifying postman collection examples each feature.

How it is work ?

  1. Open saved request from collection
  2. Press Examples on right corner Postman tool
  3. Press Add Examples
  4. On Body section paste requests validation roles eg.
      "url": [

Name it eg validation 404 and save

Pay atention for naming conventionse
Please make sure, use validation + empty space + code.

Example GET method with json schema matches and validation with api access key

Feature: London weather.  
  As a consumer of the API, I want an API that provides with data about London weather.
  So that I can use this for my application.

  Scenario Outline: London weather.  
    Given the parameters "path_arg1:<value1>| path_arg2:<value2> | path_arg3:<value3> | city:<city>"  
    And  the header "Accept:<Accept>"  
    When I request url created from params by "GET" method 
    Then I see response status code is "200"  
    And the response matches "London-weather" json schema

      | value1  | value2   | value3  | city       |  Accept           |
      | v1      | weather  | GB      | London     |  application/json |

  Scenario Outline: London weather - 404 validation.  
    Given the parameters "path_arg1:<value1>| path_arg2:<value2> | path_arg3:<value3> | city:<city>"  
    And  the header "Accept:<Accept>"  
    When I request url created from params by "GET" method 
    Then I see response status code is "404"  

      | value1    | value2    | value3     | city       |  Accept           |
      | v1        | weatherxx | GB         | London     |  application/json |
      | v1        | weather   | xx         | xx         |  application/json |
      | v1        | weather   | GB         | yyyy       |  application/json |

Feel free to change value* name

Given the parameters "path_arg1:<api_version>| path_arg2:<api_name> | country:<country> | city:<city> | date:<date>"  

      | api_version | api_name | country  | city       | date       |  Accept           |
      | v1          | weather  | GB       | London     | 23-03-2020 |  application/xml  |

Sample valid collection object

          "name": "London weather",
          "request": {
            "method": "GET",
            "header": [
                "key": "Accept",
                "value": "application/json"
            "url": {
              "raw": "https://{{host}}/v1/weather/country/GB?city=London&date=23–03-2020",
              "protocol": "https",
              "host": [
              "path": [
              "query": [
                  "key": "city",
                  "value": "London"
                  "key": "date",
                  "value": "23–03-2020"
          "response": [
              "$schema": "",
              "type": "object",
              "properties": {
                "weather": {
                  "type": "array",
                  "items": [
                      "type": "object",
                      "properties": {
                        "id": {
                          "type": "integer"
                        "main": {
                          "type": "string"
                        "description": {
                          "type": "string"
                        "icon": {
                          "type": "string"