
DynAli PHP Library: allows interaction with DynAli's PHP NICE JSON Api.

dev-master 2019-08-07 13:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-28 06:41:04 UTC


DynAli PHP Library: allows interaction with DynAli's PHP NICE JSON Api.

Includes library which can be used in any PHP code (in the lib/ folder) and a simple executable which can be used to check hostname's status, update the ip, change password or manipulate local storage of saved hostnames.

installation (library)

To install using composer please just type:

composer require dynali/dynali-php

in your project's folder

I suggest to use tagged releases and semantic versioning.

Later just create an instance of the main class in your project:

$client = new Dynali\DynaliClient();

installation (standalone)

If you want to use the repository as a standalone application just clone or download the repository:

git clone https://github.com/dynali/dynali-php.git

and execute:

composer install

to load all vendors.

usage (library)


usage (standalone)

You can find the main executable in the bin/ folder. It currently supports commands:

  • ip which returns your external IP as detected by Dynali
  • install which returns a command which you can add to crontab in order to make updates automatically every minute
  • add, inserts hostname's details into local storage (basic dynali.csv file created locally in the same folder)
  • remove, removes hostname's details from local storage
  • status, provides details about domain's status as an instance of the DynaliStatus entity
  • update, updates the IP for the given hostname
  • update-all, updates IPs for all of the hostnames in the local storage
  • list, lists domains in the local storage
  • changepassword, allows to change password for a particular hostname

Sample usage:

./dynali add myname.dynali.net bartoszp SuperSecretPasSwOrD123


  • improve README.md
  • provide unit tests
  • allow passing of manually entered IP using the cli tool


Please use the issues or pull requests functionalites of Github.