
An API client for the Old Chicago World Beer Tour service

dev-master 2013-12-31 04:37 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 03:41:31 UTC


Allows interaction with the World Beer Tour Service hosted at ocwbt.com


Installation is handled using Composer:

"require": {
    "dydro/wbt_client": "dev-master"


Simply provide a Client with with your keys, then ask for the data you want:

$client = new Client($apiKey, $secretKey);
$client->getBeer($beerId);                  // get a single beer
$client->getBeers();                        // get a list of beers
$client->getLocation($locationId);          // get a single location
$client->getLocationBeers($locationId);     // get a list of beers at a specific location
$client->getLocations();                    // get a list of locations
$client->getLocationsBeers();               // get a list of beers for all locations
$client->getMiniTour($miniTourId);          // get a single minitour
$client->getMiniTours();                    // get a list of minitours
$client->getUser($userId);                  // get a single user
$client->getUserBeer($userId, $userBeerId); // get a single user beer
$client->getUserBeers($userId);             // get a list of user beers
$client->getUserTours($userId);             // get a list of user tours

Responses from list endpoints are wrapped in a ListResponse object, which allows you to iterate through pages:

$cfg = new ListConfig();
do {
    $response = $client->getBeers($cfg);
    $beers = $response->getItems();

    // work with each beer here

    $cfg->setPage($response->getPage() + 1);
} while ($response->morePages());