
Display system information (IP address, OS, versions) for Laravel.

2.3 2020-10-16 09:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-16 18:58:49 UTC


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Larinfo provide system information for Laravel 5.x application. It show IP address information for host and client, server software versions, and hardware information.


To install using Composer, just run this command below.

For Laravel > 5.6

composer require matriphe/larinfo

For Laravel < 5.6

composer require matriphe/larinfo:1.0.2

For Laravel 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4

Open the config/app.php and add this line in providers section.


Still on config/app.php file, add this line in aliases section.

'Larinfo' => Matriphe\Larinfo\LarinfoFacade::class,

For Laravel > 5.5

Nothing to do. It uses Laravel's package auto discovery.


To get all info, use facade Larinfo and call the getInfo() method. It will return this array example.

use Larinfo;

$larinfo = Larinfo::getInfo();

If you don't want to use facade, just create the implementation of Matriphe\Larinfo\Larinfo class.

use Matriphe\Larinfo\Larinfo;

$larinfo = (new Larinfo())->getInfo();

Result of that command is shown below.

$larinfo = [
   'host'=> [
       'city'=> '',
       'country'=> 'US',
       'hostname'=> '',
       'ip'=> '',
       'loc'=> '37.7697,-122.3933',
       'org'=> 'AS13335 Cloudflare, Inc.',
       'phone'=> '',
       'postal'=> '94107',
       'region'=> ''
   'client'=> [
       'city'=> 'Bekasi',
       'country'=> 'ID',
       'hostname'=> '',
       'ip'=> '',
       'loc'=> '-6.2349,106.9896',
       'org'=> 'AS17974 PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia',
       'phone'=> '',
       'postal'=> '',
       'region'=> ''
   'server'=> [
       'software'=> [
           'os'=> 'Darwin (macOS 10.12.6 )',
           'distro'=> '',
           'kernel'=> '16.7.0',
           'arc'=> 'x86_64',
           'webserver'=> 'nginx/1.12.0',
           'php'=> '7.0.20'
       'hardware'=> [
           'cpu'=> 'Intel® Core™ i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz',
           'cpu_count'=> 4,
           'model'=> 'MacBook Pro',
           'virtualization'=> '',
           'ram'=> [
               'total'=> 8589934592,
               'free'=> 8578883584
           'swap'=> [
               'total'=> 4294967296,
               'free'=> 747110400
           'disk'=> [
               'total'=> 754593608704,
               'free'=> 265534066688
       'uptime'=> [
           'uptime'=> '4 days, 8 hours, 38 seconds',
           'booted_at'=> '2017-07-28 07:12:21'
   'database'=> [
       'driver'=> 'MySQL',
       'version'=> '5.7.18'

Other method you can use are:

  • getHostIpinfo to get host IP info (Larinfo::getHostIpinfo())
  • getClientIpinfo to get client IP info (Larinfo::getClientIpinfo())
  • getServerInfoSoftware to get server software info (Larinfo::getServerInfoSoftware())
  • getServerInfoHardware to get server hardware info (Larinfo::getServerInfoHardware())
  • getUptime to get server uptime (Larinfo::getUptime())
  • getServerInfo to get server info (Larinfo::getServerInfo())
  • getDatabaseInfo to get database info (Larinfo::getDatabaseInfo())


IP information is taken using ipinfo.io service. If you've registered and has token access, put your token in the config/services.php in ipinfo variable.

'ipinfo' => [
	'token'  => 'your_ipinfo_token',

If you don't want to hit ipinfo.io rate limit, you can cache it using Laravel built-in cache.


The GPLv3 License. Please see License File for more information.