
The stdlib you wish PHP had

v2.0.0 2023-07-19 13:38 UTC


PHP's standard library contains a lot of stuff, but it's missing a lot of stuff. All these functions are basic things that I've had to implement over and over again.


Install composer.

Run the following in the root of your project:

composer require dxw/php-missing

Or, create a composer.json file with the following contents and run "composer install":

  "require": {
    "dxw/php-missing": "^2.0"



$array = \Missing\Arrays::flatten($array)

Flattens an array containing arrays.

\Missing\Arrays::flatten([1, [2, 3, [4, 5]]]) === [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

$array = \Missing\Arrays::sortBy($array, $callback)

Sorts $array by $callback($array_element).

\Missing\Arrays::sortBy(['abc', 'ab', 'a'], function ($a) {return strlen($a);}) === ['a', 'ab', 'abc']


list($timestamp, $err) = \Missing\Dates::parse($str)

Parses several common/standard time formats, returns a Dxw\Result\Result object containing either the UNIX timestamp or an error.

$result = \Missing\Dates::parse(get_post_meta($post->ID, '_EventStartDate', true));
if ($result->isErr()) {
  $date = 'Unknown date';
} else {
  $date = strftime('%e %B %Y', $result->unwrap());

The following date formats are parsed:

  • %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S
  • %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
  • %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M
  • %Y-%m-%d %H:%M
  • %Y-%m-%d

$date = \Missing\Dates::strftime($date_string, $format, $else, $tz)

Parses $date_string using \Missing\Dates::parse() (also accepts a UTC timestamp), if it parses correctly, return the date formatted with $format in the timezone $tz, otherwise return $else.

<p>Date: <?php echo \Missing\Dates::strftime($date, 'd/m/Y', 'unknown', 'Europe/London') ?></p>


$string = \Missing\Ints::ordinalize($number)

Returns English ordinals for any given integer (i.e. 1 => "1st", 2 => "2nd").

Copied directly from active_record's Inflector#ordinalize (also MIT licensed).


$value = \Missing\Reflection::call($object, $methodName, $arguments)

Calls private or protected method $methodName of $object with $arguments (an array) and returns what it returns.


$bool = \Missing\Strings::startsWith($haystack, $needle)

Returns true if string $haystack starts with $needle (uses substr() - regexes not supported).

$bool = \Missing\Strings::endsWith($haystack, $needle)

Returns true if string $haystack ends with $needle (uses substr() - regexes not supported).

$string = \Missing\Strings::getOutput($callback)

Executes $callback, returns what it prints as a string.


MIT - see COPYING.md

\Missing\Ints::ordinal and \Missing\Ints::ordinalize were ported from the Rails active_support module, also licensed under MIT.