
DutyCalculator API PHP SDK

1.0.0 2014-01-30 14:14 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 18:20:00 UTC


This repository contains the open source PHP SDK that allows you to access DutyCalculator from your PHP app. The SDK requires a DutyCalculator API account (go to http://www.dutycalculator.com/compare-plans/). Full documentation about DutyCalculator API you can find here.


The examples are a good place to start. The minimal you'll need to have is:

require 'dutycalculator-php-sdk/src/dutycalculator.php';

$client = new DutyCalculator_Client('YOUR_API_KEY');

 * Example of getting available import to countries
$countriesTo = $client->getImportToCountries();

All API calls have function representation in the client class. But you can make an API call using next code:

	$countriesFrom = $client->sendRequest('supported-countries/from', array('display_alpha2_code' => true));
catch (DutyCalculator_Exception $e)
	$countriesFrom = null;

With Composer:

  • Add the "dutycalculator/dutycalculator-php-sdk": "@stable" into the require section of your composer.json.
  • Run composer install.
  • The example will look like
$client = new DutyCalculator_Client('YOUR_API_KEY');

 * Example of getting available import to countries
$countriesTo = $client->getImportToCountries();

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