
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

WordPress plumbing for Stripe

Installs: 389

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


0.1.0 2016-01-18 23:23 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2018-06-19 06:12:37 UTC


This plugin provides an endpoint for your website to make a charge using Stripe, given a Stripe token.

It does not provide any frontend code and never will.

It only supports US dollars, but it can be extended.


For a Bedrock project

composer require duncanjbrown/simple-stripe

This will install the plugin and its dependencies.

You should add S_STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY and S_STRIPE_SECRET_KEY to your project’s .env.

In vanilla WP

Install the plugin but do not activate it.

Open a terminal and visit its folder, then run

composer install

You should add S_STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY and S_STRIPE_SECRET_KEY to the .env file in the plugin folder.

Activate it.


Obtain a Stripe token. You can do this using Stripe checkout.

When you have obtained your token from Stripe checkout, POST that token and the charge amount in cents to /_stripe/charge in the following format:

  's-stripe': {
    'token': token,
    'amount': 100

If the charge is successful, the hook simple_stripe_charge_succeeded will be called.

If the charge failed, the hook simple_stripe_charge_failed will be called.

Both of these hooks receive a SimpleStripeOneOffPayment object.

The SimpleStripeOneOffPayment object

This object has the following properties

$currency         // the currency, eg "usd"
$amount_in_cents  // the amount charged, in cents
$charge           // Stripe response, if the charge succeeded
$errors           // a WP_Error containing error messages, if the charge failed     


This code shows a success or failure message when the charge is processed.

add_action( 'simple_stripe_charge_failed', function( $payment ) {
	$errors = $payment->errors->get_error_messages();
	$message = sprintf( '<ul><li>%s</li></ul>', implode( '</li><li>', $errors )	);
	wp_die( '<h2>Something went wrong</h2>' . $message . '<p>Your card has not been charged.</p>',
 	'Something went wrong', [ 'response' => 400 ] );
add_action( 'simple_stripe_charge_succeeded', function( $payment ) {
	$amount = sprintf( "$%01.2f", $payment->amount_in_cents / 100 );
	wp_die( "<h2>&#x2713; Your payment has been processed</h2>
	<p>Thank you for your donation of ${amount}.</p>", 'Thank you', [ 'response' => 201 ] );