
dev-master / 2.0.x-dev 2017-01-09 01:45 UTC

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Last update: 2024-06-17 12:20:09 UTC


PayU Latam PHP bindings

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You can sign up for a PayU Latam account at https://payulatam.com.


PHP 5.6.2 and later.


You can install the bindings via Composer. Run the following command:

composer require dukenicols/payulatam-php-sdk

To use the bindings, use Composer's autoload:


Manual Installation

If you do not wish to use Composer, you can download the latest release. Then, to use the bindings, include the init.php file.



The bindings require the following extension in order to work properly:

  • curl, although you can use your own non-cURL client if you prefer
  • json
  • mbstring (Multibyte String)

If you use Composer, these dependencies should be handled automatically. If you install manually, you'll want to make sure that these extensions are available.