
Library setting website for Laravel.

v0.1.0 2023-05-16 14:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-19 15:41:42 UTC


📢 NOTE: My English is not very good, I sincerely apologize if it inconveniences you.

Setting for Laravel is a library designed to provide easy management of settings for Laravel applications. It allows you to handle and override Laravel configurations with ease.


You can install the Setting for Laravel library via Composer. Run the following command in your terminal:

composer require ducconit/laravel-setting


  • After installing the library, you need to publish the configuration file. Run the following Artisan command:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="DNT\Setting\SettingServiceProvider" --tag="config"
  • Once the configuration file is published, you can find it at config/setting.php. This is where you can define your settings.
  • To access the settings, you can use the Setting facade. Import the facade at the top of your file:
use DNT\Setting\Facade;

1. Retrieving Settings

  • You can retrieve all the settings using the all method:
// helper function

// facade
  • Or a specific setting using the get method:
// helper function
setting()->get('key', $default);
setting('key', $default);

// facade
Facade::get('key', $default);

2. Updating Settings

  • You can also set a new value for a setting using the set method:
// helper function
setting()->set('key', $value);

// facade
Facade::set('key', $value);
  • You can also update multiple settings at once by passing an array of key-value pairs:
// helper function
use DNT\Setting\Facade;setting()->set([
    'key' => $value,
    'other_key' => $other_value
    'key' => $value,
    'other_key' => $other_value

// facade
    'key' => $value,
    'other_key' => $other_value

3. Deleting Settings

  • To delete a setting, you can use the forget method:
// helper function
use DNT\Setting\Facade;setting()->forget('key');

// facade
  • You can also delete multiple settings at once by passing an array of keys:
// helper function
use DNT\Setting\Facade;setting()->forget(['key', 'other_key']);

// facade
Facade::forget(['key', 'other_key']);

4. Saving Settings

  • After making changes to the settings, you need to save them using the save method:
// helper function

// facade
  • The save method will only save the settings if there are any changes. It returns an array of the updated settings with their "old" and "new" values.

5. Retrieving Changed Settings

  • You can get the array of changed settings with their "old" and "new" values using the changed method:
// helper function

// facade

Please note that the changed method will only include the settings that have been added, modified, or deleted since the last save.

  • You can use the isChanged method to check if any settings have been added, modified, or deleted:
// helper function

// facade

The isChanged method returns a boolean value indicating whether any changes have been made to the settings.

6. Exception Handling

The library throws the following exceptions:

  • JsonException: Thrown when there is an error in decoding or encoding JSON.
  • UnreadableException: Thrown when the storage file is unreadable, for example, when unable to read the file at storage/app/setting.json.
  • UnwritableException: Thrown when the storage file is unwritable, for example, when unable to write to the file at storage/app/setting.json.
  • SaveSettingException: Thrown when there is an error in saving the settings.

You can handle these exceptions in your application to provide custom error handling or debugging.

7. Override Configurations

The package allows you to override configurations using the settings defined in the package. This feature is useful when you want to dynamically change the configuration values during runtime.

To define the overridden configurations, you can make use of the overrides configuration option in the config/setting.php file. The overrides configuration accepts an array where the keys represent the configuration keys to be overridden, and the values represent the new values to be set.

Here's an example of how to define overridden configurations:

return [
    // ...

    'overrides' => [
        // Add more overridden configurations as needed

    // ...

### Testing

composer test


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or want to contribute to this library, please open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.


This library is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.