
Roundcube plugin to provide a generic access blacklist.

0.2.0 2020-11-28 17:08 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-03 05:48:39 UTC


Roundcube plugin to provide a generic access blacklist.

The plugin can be configured to deny access to specific usernames, IPs, networks in CIDR notation or countries. It is not meant to be configured by users, only by the Roundcube Webmail administrator via configuration file.

This is a useful plugin when users's passwords have been caught by spammers, but the administrators can not change the users's passwords (only the user may change it's own password).

Stable versions of this plugin are available from the Roundcube plugin repository or the releases section of the GitHub repository.



With composer

  1. Go to your Roundcube root directory.

  2. Run $ composer require dsoares/blacklist.

  3. Copy config.inc.php.dist to config.inc.php and modify as necessary.

Manual Installation

Place this directory (named blacklist) under your Rouncdube plugins/ and enable blacklist plugin within the main Roundcube configuration file.

Copy config.inc.php.dist to config.inc.php and modify as necessary.

Please note that if you want to block access by country in the configuration file, this plugin requires the Roundcube plugin geolocation to be enabled and properly working. Check the geolocation plugin instructions for more information.


  • $config['blacklist_usernames'] - array of usernames to deny access.

  • $config['blacklist_ips'] - array of IPs and networks in CIDR notation to deny access.

  • $config['blacklist_countries'] - array of countries to deny access.

  • $config['blacklist_log'] - boolean, if the plugin should log denied requests.


This plugin is released under the GNU General Public License Version 3+.


Comments and suggestions are welcome!

Email: Diana Soares