
PHP PSR 16 Caching Component

1.0.0 2021-09-18 00:30 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-01 16:30:24 UTC


psr/simple-cache For more information on PSR-16.


Use Composer to install the component:

$ composer require ds/easyCache "^v1.0.0"


Saving to Cache

$cache->set(string $key, mixed $value, DateInterval $expires)
  • $key - string Cache keys must be a valid string.

  • $value - mixed Data to be stored in cache

  • $expires - DateInterval|int|null If null then default expires is used.

$cache->setMultiple($values, DateInterval $expires)
  • $values - traversable values must be provided in key => data format, and must be traversable

Fetching from Cache

$cache->get(string $key, mixed $default = null)
  • $key - string Cache keys must be a valid string.

  • $default - mixed Default value to returned in the event that key doesn't exist.

  • $values - traversable values must be provided in key => data format, and must be traversable

Checking items in cache Storage

$cache->has(string $key, mixed $default = null)
  • $default - mixed Default value to returned in the event that key doesn't exist.

Removing items from cache Storage

$cache->delete(string $key)
$cache->deleteMultiple(traversable $keys)
  • $keys - array/traversable List of keys to be removed.

Clearing cache Storage


Storage Adaptors

The following adaptors are available:

  • Rs\Storage\NullStorage
  • Rs\Storage\FileStorage
  • Rs\Storage\MemcacheStorage
  • Rs\Storage\ApcStorage (no longer supported)

Creating new Adaptors

  • Adaptors must implement Ds\Cache\CacheStorageInterface
  • Adaptors may extend Ds\Cache\Storage\AbstractStorage

Initialise the component:

$cache = new \Ds\Cache\Cache();

NullStorage Adaptor is used by default, the above is the same as:

$cache = new \Ds\Cache\Cache(
    new \Ds\Cache\NullStoage()

Change the CacheStorage adaptor:

Update the cache adaptor with Cache::withCacheStorage

Method is immutable and returns a new instance of Ds\Cache


    Memcached $memcache,
    string $server,
    int $port,
    DateInterval $ttl
$memcache = $cache->withCacheStorage(
    new \Ds\Cache\Storage\MemcacheStorage(
        new \Memcached(),
        new \DateInterval('P1M')

File Storage

    string $directory,
    DateInterval $ttl
$filestorage = $cache->withCacheStorage(
    new \Ds\Cache\Storage\FileStorage(
        __DIR__ . '/cacheDirectory',
        new \DateInterval('P1M')


Use phpunit To execute the test suite Tests/Cache,

$ phpunit