
This form is use to generate HTML form using PHP

1.1 2020-07-15 15:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-16 01:59:48 UTC


As a web programmer, you know form is an integral part of the web(infact, the web engine, almost all we do is based on form). Now, to create a complete form that is not easily hackable, you need to include csrftoken, escaping to prevent XXS attacks, and the potential complications of handling one-to-many relationships they’re really too tedious to code from scratch every time, and, if you forget the csrftoken or a call to htmlspecialchars, you have a security hole. So, I created this Form plugin that has methods for many of the elements that a form can contain, and you can easily add additional methods as needed.

Usage Installing the plug-in You can install the plug-in in two ways through

  1. composer composer require drw/php-form(recommended)
  2. You can download the package, extract it and it include or require it

Supported HTML input type The supported input types include The form start: begins the form and outputs the opening <form ...> tag, with two optional arguments. The first is an array of values to be displayed, indexed by field name. Typically, it’s the $_POST array from another form submittal or a row retrieved from the database. The second argument is the action, but almost always you want to go back to the same file. The csrftoken is placed into every form.

form end finishes the form. The text method: text($field, $label/*could be null*/, $len/* default is 50*/, $placeholder/* Could also be null*/, $break/*default is true*/, $password/*this incdicates if the field is password or text*/, $value )

The label method: label($field, $label/*the label could be null*/, $break/*break could be true or false*/)

The button method: button($field, $label/*The label could be null*/, $break/*default is true but coud also be false)

The hspace method: hspace(/*It recieve no parameter*/)

The checkbox method: checkbox($field, $label/*this parameter could also be null*/, $break/*break could be true or false*/)

The radio method: radio($field, $label/*this parameter could also be null*/, $value, $break/*break could be true or false*/)

The date plugin date($field, $label/*this parameter could also be null*/, $break/*break could be true or false*/)

This is an example of how to use it.

require __DIR__ . '/path/to/file';// Supposing you use the second method to use this plugin,

$f = new Form();// Start the form
$f->start($row);// It could be null(if the form is new),but if it is prepopulated(then you can include like the example) 
$f->hidden('id', $row['id'] ?? '');// The hidden method equates to the hidden input form
$f->text('last', 'Last Name:', 30, 'Last Name');// The text method equates the text input method
$f->text('first', 'First:', 20, 'First Name', false);
$f->text('street', 'Street:', 50, 'Street');
$f->text('city', 'City:', 20, 'City');
$f->text('state', 'State:', 10, 'State', false);
//$f->foreign_key('specialty_id', 'name', 'Specialty');
$f->radio('billing', 'Monthly', 'month');
$f->hspace(2);// Use to add 2 horizontal spaces to the form
$f->radio('billing', 'Yearly', 'year', false);
$f->hspace(2)// Use to add 2 horizontal spaces to the form;
$f->radio('billing', 'Recurring', 'recurring', false);
$f->menu('contact', 'Contact:',
array('phone', 'email', 'mail', 'none'), true, 'email');// This is use to add drop down menu
$f->checkbox('premium', 'Premium:', false);// THis is use to add checkbox to the form
$f->date('since', 'Member Since:', false); // This is use to add dater to the form
$f->button('action_save', 'Save');// This is use to add button to the form
$f->end();// This is use to end the form