
Adds a filter format that add some custom ckeditor widgets.

1.0.x-dev 2025-03-19 12:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-21 23:36:50 UTC


This recipe will build a custom filter format you can use on the WYSIWYG fields that has three custom CKEditor widgets powered by the AI Automators.

  1. Image Alt Text - adds image alt text in ckeditor.
  2. Summary - summarizes text nicely
  3. Style Guide - makes sure that the tone of what you are writing is professional.

How to use

  1. After you login, you create a Page
  2. On the content choose the filter format "Content with AI"
  3. In the top right corner of the ckeditor you can use the three different widgets.

Adding to an existing project


  1. Either a Drupal CMS project, or the Drupal CMS Page recipe. Note that the Drupal CMS Page recipe doesn't blend very well in with the Standard installation profile.
  2. An AI provider with chat capabilities and a default model configured for Chat with complex JSON. Try the amazee.io AI provider for an easy setup without the privacy trade-offs.


composer require drupal/amazeeio_ckeditor_widgets
drush recipe ../recipes/amazeeio_ckeditor_widgets
drush cr

Quick start project with the amazee.io AI provider

composer create-project drupal/cms
composer config minimum-stability dev
composer require drupal/ai_provider_amazeeio drupal/amazeeio_ckeditor_widgets

drush site:install
drush en ai_provider_amazeeio
drush recipe ../recipes/amazeeio_ckeditor_widgets
drush cr

You can login to or register with the amazee.io AI provider at /admin/config/ai/providers/amazeeio.