drupal / amazeeio_ckeditor_widgets
Adds a filter format that add some custom ckeditor widgets.
2025-03-19 12:55 UTC
- drupal/drupal_cms_page: ~1.0.1
- drupal/token: ^1.15
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-21 23:36:50 UTC
This recipe will build a custom filter format you can use on the WYSIWYG fields that has three custom CKEditor widgets powered by the AI Automators.
- Image Alt Text - adds image alt text in ckeditor.
- Summary - summarizes text nicely
- Style Guide - makes sure that the tone of what you are writing is professional.
How to use
- After you login, you create a Page
- On the content choose the filter format "Content with AI"
- In the top right corner of the ckeditor you can use the three different widgets.
Adding to an existing project
- Either a Drupal CMS project, or the Drupal CMS Page recipe. Note that the Drupal CMS Page recipe doesn't blend very well in with the Standard installation profile.
- An AI provider with chat capabilities and a default model configured for Chat with complex JSON. Try the amazee.io AI provider for an easy setup without the privacy trade-offs.
composer require drupal/amazeeio_ckeditor_widgets
drush recipe ../recipes/amazeeio_ckeditor_widgets
drush cr
Quick start project with the amazee.io AI provider
composer create-project drupal/cms
composer config minimum-stability dev
composer require drupal/ai_provider_amazeeio drupal/amazeeio_ckeditor_widgets
drush site:install
drush en ai_provider_amazeeio
drush recipe ../recipes/amazeeio_ckeditor_widgets
drush cr
You can login to or register with the amazee.io AI provider at /admin/config/ai/providers/amazeeio.