
Provides theme suggestions plugin for all type of entities.

8.1.0-alpha1 2017-12-14 13:53 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 03:22:27 UTC


This module provides a plugin which can define new theme suggestions for entities. It replaces hook_theme_suggetions_alter(). The module provides a base suggestions class, "EntityThemeSuggestionsBase", that can be extended by any plugin so that it inherits the most common theme suggestions.


Create a class in "Plugin/ThemeSuggestions" directory structure of your module, that implements "EntityThemeSuggestionsInterface" interface. The "alterSuggestions" function should return all the theme suggestions for your entity.

To mark your class as an entity theme suggestions plugin, you have to add an annotation:

 * @EntityThemeSuggestions(
 *   id = "your_plugin_id",
 *   entityType = "your_entity_type_id",
 *   priority = "the priority of the suggestion"
 * )

The plugin id is required and has to be unique. The entity type is required also. The priority field is optional and set to 1 by default.



namespace Drupal\example\Plugin\ThemeSuggestions;

use Drupal\entity_theme_suggestions\EntityThemeSuggestionsBase;

 * Alters suggestions for user.
 * @EntityThemeSuggestions(
 *   id = "user_theme_suggestions",
 *   entityType = "user"
 * )
class UserThemeSuggestions extends EntityThemeSuggestionsBase {

This code creates the provided default suggestions from the module for the user entity. The suggestions are defined in the base class by the "alterSuggestions()" method. The method provides the following suggestions:

  • [entity_type_id]
  • [entity_type_id]--[view_mode]
  • [entity_type_id]--[bundle]
  • [entity_type_id]--[bundle]--[view_mode]
  • [entity_type_id]--[entity_id]
  • [entity_type_id]--[entity_id]--[view_mode];