drewlabs / psr7-stream
Provides utility classes and implementations for the PSR7 stream interface
- php: >=7.2
- psr/http-factory: ^1.0
- psr/http-message: ^2.0
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: >=6.0
Provides an implementation of the PSR7 Stream and StreamFactory interfaces
- Creating a Psr7 Stream
// ... use Drewlabs\Psr7Stream\Stream; // ... // Creates PHP built-in streams such as php://memory and php://temp $stream = Stream::new('', 'wb+');
- Stream Factory
- Creating a Psr7 Stream from a PHP resource
// ... use Drewlabs\Psr7Stream\StreamFactory; // ... // Create a PSR7 stream factory instance $factory = new StreamFactory(); // Creates stream from resources $stream = $factory->createStreamFromResource(fopen(__DIR__ . '/../../examples/test.txt', 'rb'));
- Creating a Psr7 Stream from file path
// ... use Drewlabs\Psr7Stream\StreamFactory; // ... // Create a PSR7 stream factory instance $factory = new StreamFactory(); // Creates stream from path $stream = $factory->createStreamFromFile(__DIR__ . '/../../examples/test.txt');
From v1.2.x releases a stacked stream implemenation and a lazy stream implementations has been added.
- Stacked Streams
Stacked stream is an abstraction of the stream interface that creates a stack of StreamInterface
instances using contiguous memory (Array) and provides same stream interface API for working with the group as whole. For operations like close()
, detach()
, read()
, getSize()
, etc... every item is visited in the order they are inserted.
To create a Stacked stream:
use Drewlabs\Psr7Stream\StreamFactory as Factory; $stream = Factory::stack(); // TO initialize the instance at contruction time // The stream instance is initialized with 2 chunks $stream = Factory::stack(Stream::new(''), Stream::new(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'))
Note The stacked stream provide 2 additional methods for adding and removing element.
To add a new stream to the stack:
use Drewlabs\Psr7Stream\StreamFactory as Factory; $stream = Factory::stack(); // Add a new stream instance $stream->push(Stream::new('/path/to/resource'));
To remove the last inserted stack:
use Drewlabs\Psr7Stream\StreamFactory as Factory; $stream = Factory::stack(); // Pop the last stream from the stack and return it $s = $stream->pop();
Be careful when using the pop()
method as it reset the internal pointer of the stream to avoid data corrumption.
- Lazy Stream
Lazy stream is simply an abstraction arround a stream object which resolve the stream only when the developper is ready to operate on it like read()
, write()
, etc... It provides a lazy creating implementation of an instance psr7 StreamInterface
Lazy stream can be created passing a callable to the contructor method:
use Drewlabs\Psr7Stream\StreamFactory as Factory; use Drewlabs\Psr7Stream\Stream; use Drewlabs\Psr7Stream\LazyStream; // $stream_source = 'Hello world...'; $stream = Factory::lazy(function() use (&$stream_source) { return Stream::new($stream_source); }); // Or using constructor $stream = new LazyStream(function() use (&$stream_source) { return Stream::new($stream_source); });
or using an instance of CreatesStream
interface, with offer an object oriented way to create a new stream:
use Drewlabs\Psr7Stream\CreatesStream; use Drewlabs\Psr7Stream\Stream; // CreateTextStream.php class CreateTextStream implements CreatesStream { /** * * @var string * */ private $source; public function __construct($source) { $this->source = $source; } public function createStream() { return Stream::new($this->source); } } // main.php $stream = new LazyStream(new CreateTextStream('/path/to/resource')); // Or using factory function $stream = Factory::lazy(new CreateTextStream('/path/to/resource'));