
Provides utility classes and implementations for the PSR7 stream interface

v2.0.2 2023-09-28 15:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-28 18:31:03 UTC


Provides an implementation of the PSR7 Stream and StreamFactory interfaces


  • Creating a Psr7 Stream
// ...
use Drewlabs\Psr7Stream\Stream;

// ...

// Creates PHP built-in streams such as php://memory and php://temp
$stream = Stream::new('', 'wb+');
  • Stream Factory
  • Creating a Psr7 Stream from a PHP resource
// ...
use Drewlabs\Psr7Stream\StreamFactory;

// ...

// Create a PSR7 stream factory instance
$factory = new StreamFactory();

// Creates stream from resources
$stream = $factory->createStreamFromResource(fopen(__DIR__ . '/../../examples/test.txt', 'rb'));
  • Creating a Psr7 Stream from file path
// ...
use Drewlabs\Psr7Stream\StreamFactory;

// ...

// Create a PSR7 stream factory instance
$factory = new StreamFactory();

// Creates stream from path
$stream = $factory->createStreamFromFile(__DIR__ . '/../../examples/test.txt');


From v1.2.x releases a stacked stream implemenation and a lazy stream implementations has been added.

  • Stacked Streams

Stacked stream is an abstraction of the stream interface that creates a stack of StreamInterface instances using contiguous memory (Array) and provides same stream interface API for working with the group as whole. For operations like close(), detach(), read(), getSize(), etc... every item is visited in the order they are inserted.

To create a Stacked stream:

use Drewlabs\Psr7Stream\StreamFactory as Factory;

$stream = Factory::stack();

// TO initialize the instance at contruction time
// The stream instance is initialized with 2 chunks
$stream = Factory::stack(Stream::new(''), Stream::new(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'))

Note The stacked stream provide 2 additional methods for adding and removing element.

To add a new stream to the stack:

use Drewlabs\Psr7Stream\StreamFactory as Factory;

$stream = Factory::stack();

// Add a new stream instance

To remove the last inserted stack:

use Drewlabs\Psr7Stream\StreamFactory as Factory;

$stream = Factory::stack();

// Pop the last stream from the stack and return it
$s = $stream->pop();

Warning Be careful when using the pop() method as it reset the internal pointer of the stream to avoid data corrumption.

  • Lazy Stream

Lazy stream is simply an abstraction arround a stream object which resolve the stream only when the developper is ready to operate on it like read(), write(), etc... It provides a lazy creating implementation of an instance psr7 StreamInterface.

Lazy stream can be created passing a callable to the contructor method:

use Drewlabs\Psr7Stream\StreamFactory as Factory;
use Drewlabs\Psr7Stream\Stream;
use Drewlabs\Psr7Stream\LazyStream;

$stream_source = 'Hello world...';

$stream = Factory::lazy(function() use (&$stream_source) {
    return Stream::new($stream_source);

// Or using constructor

$stream = new LazyStream(function() use (&$stream_source) {
    return Stream::new($stream_source);

or using an instance of CreatesStream interface, with offer an object oriented way to create a new stream:

use Drewlabs\Psr7Stream\CreatesStream;
use Drewlabs\Psr7Stream\Stream;

// CreateTextStream.php
class CreateTextStream implements CreatesStream
     * @var string
     * */
    private $source;

    public function __construct($source)
        $this->source = $source;

    public function createStream()
        return Stream::new($this->source);

// main.php
$stream = new LazyStream(new CreateTextStream('/path/to/resource'));

// Or using factory function
$stream = Factory::lazy(new CreateTextStream('/path/to/resource'));