HTTP Web Service Test runner implementation using PHP Programming language and configuration files written in YAML or JSON format

v0.2.54 2024-04-24 13:38 UTC


HTr is a PHP based utility library that allow application (espacially HTTP REST services) developper to easily test their RESTful service using a a single configuration file writtern in YAML or JSON.

  • Why YAML or JSON In modern web standard, JSON and YAML entity definition languages have become the defacto standard for modeling configuration that are easily portable between programming tools and languages. Therefore instead of creating a new language, we leverage existing ones that are known amoung developper community.


The library is a PHP based library therefore a PHP binary is required along side the powerful PHP libraries package manager composer.

To install the library simply run the command below:

> composer require drewlabs/htr



HTr client application works with configuration files written in either JSON (Javascript Object Notation) format or YAML format. Below is a sample configuration file:

version: 0.1.0
# $schema:<SCHEMA_ID>
name: My Test API

# Environment definitions
# Note: Environemnts are used by the runner to customize requests
  _apiVersion: "api"
  _postId: 2
  _commentId: 2

  # The part below defines a request group or directory
  - name: "posts"
    description: Defines post management REST interfaces"
      - url: "[_host]/[_apiVersion]/posts"
        method: "GET"
          name: "bearer"
          value: "[_bearerToken]"
          page: 1
          per_page: 50
          - "[status] eq 200" # Asser that request response status code == 200
      - url: "[_host]/[_apiVersion]/post"
        method: "POST"
          name: "bearer"
          value: "[_bearerToken]"
          title: "Environments"
          content: "This is an environment post"
          - "[body].title eq Environment" #  Assert that request response body is has title field == Environments
          - "[status] eq 200" # Assert that request must be completed with status code 200
      - url: "[_host]/[_apiVersion]/post/:[_postId]"
        method: "PUT"
          name: "bearer"
          value: "[_bearerToken]"
        # Pass request body
          - "[status] eq 422" # Assert that request response status code is 422

  # Comments requests directory
  - name: "comments"
    description: "Defines comments management REST interfaces"
      # Here we difines a request configuration that sends a POST request to
      - url: "[_host]/[_apiVersion]/posts"
        method: "GET"
          name: "bearer"
          value: "[_bearerToken]"
        # body:
          page: 1
          per_page: 50
          - "[status] eq 200" # Assert that request response status code == 200
      - url: "[_host]/[_apiVersion]/comments"
        method: "POST"
          name: "bearer"
          value: "[_bearerToken]"
          post_id: "[_postId]"
          content: "My Comment"
          - "[status] eq 200" # Assert that request must be completed with status code 200
      - url: "[_host]/[_apiVersion]/post/:[_commentId]"
        method: "PUT"
          name: "bearer"
          value: "[_bearerToken]"
        # Pass request body
          - "[status] eq 422" # Assert that request response status code is 422

Note Based on the configuration above requests can be customized using environment variables. Environment variables must be enclosed in [variable].


Test assertion use a natural language to make it easy to write test. Below is the syntax to write test:

  • left op right -> For simple assertions
  • left op righ and condition_2_left and condition_2_right -> For composed assertions

Suported operator for testing are:

  • Logical operators
    • and : For joining 2 or more conditions and return true only if all conditions return true
    • or : For joining 2 o more condition and return true if one of the condittions is true
  • Comparison operations
    • lt or > : Stand for value less than
    • lte or <= : For less than or equals to comparison
    • gt or > : For greater than comparison
    • gte or >= : For greater than or equals to comparison
    • eq or ne : Respectively equals or not equals
    • has : Check if an array has a given key or attribute
    • in : Checks if a value exists in a list of value. Ex: mango in banana,orange,pinneaple

We use [] to denote properties of the response object:

  • [status] denote response status code
  • [body] denote response body
  • [headers] denote response headers.

To Access properties of response body, we use [body] concatenated with the property name using . symbol as follow;

  • [body].title -> To access the title property of the response body
  • [body] -> Can be used for instance to access inner property of responser body object

Command Line

The library provides a command line interface for testing your HTTP REST Service based on a configuration file. Below is the command to run a basic test command using a configuration file located in the root of your project:

> ./vendor/bin/htr test --input=$(pwd)/htr.yml

The command above assune you have a file named htr.yml in the root of your project that contains a valid HTr test configuration.

  • Debug By default the cli script will run tests in silent mode and write output to a uniquely generated file at the root of your project. To run the HTr cli in debug mode, execute the command below:

    > ./vendor/bin/htr test --input=$(pwd)/htr.yml --verbose

    Running the client application in debug mode allow developper ro see live running request with each request parameters output to the terminal.

  • Command output To override the output file name path were command logs are written simple use the --output flag as below:

    > ./vendor/bin/htr test --input=$(pwd)/htr.yml --output="$(pwd)/htr.log"
  • Request filtering

    Sometimes developper might want to execute specific requests or specific request directory components. For such cases, HTr provides developpers with --request or --req for filtering by request name or id.

    > ./vendor/bin/htr test --input=$(pwd)/htr.yml -req="request-name"
    // For running single request
    // or
    > ../vendor/bin/htr test --input=$(pwd)/htr.yml -req="request1" --req="request2"
    // For running multiple request matching the provided name

    Similary, to execute specific request directories, you can use -d or -directory flag. The HTr client will only execute tests for requests in specified directory

>./vendor/bin/htr test --input=$(pwd)/htr.yml -d="directory name"
// For running tests in a single directory
// or
> ./vendor/bin/htr test --input=$(pwd)/htr.yml -d="directory1" -d="directory2"

For running tests in multiple directories
  • Overriding environment variables

    When running tests using HTr client, --input argument usually contains an env field that is that are applied when running tests. To override the environment variable with command line variables, simple use --env switch as follow:

    ./vendor/bin/htr test --env=MyVar:MyVarValue --input=$(pwd)/htr.yml

  • Json By default the HTr client support YAML based configuration files. In order to use JSON configuration file instead, simply use the --json flag as follow:

  > ./vendor/bin/htr test --input=$(pwd)/htr.json --json